About 15 years ago everything started with Saschas dad who then worked as a DJ in Europe's biggest discotheque known as "LA" or "KK-Center" when Sascha was 14 years old.So things came as they had to come and since he was sixteen Sascha - now known as “Shane†-worked as a DJ in several discotheques.A few years later, only working as a DJ was not enough for him anymore so he decided to produce his own music on. Since 1996, he has concentrated on producing and improving his music all by himself - until 2005 - which was when he met Julian aka Roon. Than those two started to create new projects.So far hard work, much effort as well as their good cooperation has paid off so that finally the time for them to bring their music out to the people- to you out there (!) -has come which is what they now see as their next task… @ First we think that..s all ;)