Yum yum yum yum. I'm a student at SOAS, you probably haven't heard of it, but it's one of those fashionable universities that only lets people study interesting things. Like arabic (interesting but fuck-off hard) and Development Studies (interesting as long as you forget the economics bit).
I work at an organic tea bar too...well...when I say work I mean eat the food, drink the tea and try to avoid serving the wierd ginger american with offensive sideburns. I make a kickass coffee when I put my mind to it though.
Give me...
Gunpowder green tea with peppermint and honey (Mighty Leaf 'Marrakech Mint Tea')
Marmite on hot buttered toast
Champagne cocktails
Lazy evenings sprawled out on my bed watching 'Dexter' with the frenchman
Shopping trips with unlimited funds
The entire stock of 'Lush'
My own personal cook and cleaner
A flight... anywhere with an airport (except for Stanstead)
I want to shoot...
Useless hippies
Useless tory bankers
People who use roaring clichés without putting a much needed tongue in a much needed cheek ("I'm having the time of my life!").
People who own pittbulls and rottweilers and then act suprised when they find a dead child in their living room.
People who read the Daily Mail, Mirror, Star, Express and then think that they have the right to express political opinions. You don't. You are reading cat litter.
What Famous Leader Are You?
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