Brandon. a.k.a

Brandon. a.k.a "BIG B.P.C."

everybody's got a water buffalow.

About Me

Hi,My name is Brandon, a.k.a "THE BIG B.P.C." reppin' the big BIG A.J. FROM AZ. I'm not really a hundered years old,I was actually born in May of 2000;You do the math. But age is just a number & I'm a pimp as is. Anyways, I love cute girls, I flirt with every girl I meet [as long as they look good]; Even though I have two girlfriends. One named Gianna, & the other named Emily. Well actually, I only saw Emily on a magazine,but I am convinced that one day she will be mine. I don't date girls without my cousin's approval,because she knows best! Also,I play soccer. My best friend's are Chantelle, and Madison. I love peanut butter sandwhiches, other than that I hate pretty much any food. I like all kinds of sports. I love my cousin Chantelle,she is the shit. I love meeting new people,and doing new things. If there's anything else you'd like to know,you can go ahead & ask me,but I probably won't answer. ;)

My Interests

Sports,Cute Girls,Peanut Butter Sanwhiches,Chantelle,Superheros,Older Women,Tom&Jerry,Pop Girl.

I'd like to meet:

Cute girls,Preferrably brunettes like my beautiful cousin.


I'll dance to whatever's on. but I really like the power walk song.


Buzby:The misbehaving bee,,Madagascar,Spirit,Aladdin,Alice In Wonderland,Cinderella,Sky High,Hidalgo,Star Wars,Harry Potter 1.2.3.&4,Beauty&The Beast,TMNT,Shrek 1&2,A Bug's Life,Sleeping Beauty,Snow White,The Lion King 1. 1 &1/2. &2,Quest For Camelot,Atlantis,Charlie& The Chocolate Factory,The Polar Express,The Grinch,Santa Clause 2,Land Before Time,We're Back!,Rescuers Down Under,The Little Mermaid,Casper &More.


Tom &Jerry,Looney Tunes,Power Rangers,Scooby Doo,Flintstones, &More.


Fox In Socks,but only when Chantelle reads it. Carl's Surprise Birthday Party,Because it has no words.

