People, bars, literature, art, music, food, sex, writing, painting, photography, design, drinking, late nights, long baths.
Funky Chickens, Skunk Pussies, Harlem Shufflers, Toilet Traders, Kiddie Fiddlers, Midnight Ramblers, Nickle'n'Dimers, Curbside Crawlers, Day Dreamers, Street Preachers, Sexual Gymnasts, Idiot Savants, Dirty Diggers, Day Trippers, Big Pimpers, and anyone who knows where I can buy a decent cannoli.
jazz, soul, funk, hiphop, D'n'B, rock'n'roll, Reggae, Johnny Cash, shameless sentimental bollocks, Sam Cooke, Aretha, JB, special thankx to Public Enemy and big up to the ODB - things just ain't the same.
no bullshit summer blockbuster
UK - Shakespeare, Blake, Worsworth, Dickens, Lawrence, Rushdie, Larkin, M Amis, Page 3USA - Melville, Whitman, TS Elliot, Ginsberg, Bakara, Mailer, Baldwin, L Cohen, Hustler
Wily Coyote, Minister Farrakhan