Rob"yn"ne Alane profile picture

Rob"yn"ne Alane

It's not the lies that you'll say, but what the silence will scream.

About Me

I'm not 16... I'm 15. Just in case you wondered.
Yes, many of my friends are bands. This is because they like them. or I may like them, but I haven't had the chance to listen yet.And I decided to actually put a description in my profile! Isn't it amazing? My name's Robynne. I am currently a sophomore. The last year has been a huge change for me. I used to have tons of free time. Then I started becoming more involved in church/youth group, which added to the time taken up by school, which was increasing with the added difficult classes, and then I joined Concert Band and without realizing joined Winter Percussion, too. I love all of these things, so it makes it even harder to manage my time (I can't not do something, because I love it all.) Next year, I'll be in Marching Band, which means even more practices, along with being in even more challenging classes. Oh, and I might possibly join Jazz Band. Wish me luck. ;) As far as band goes, I play mallets. If you don't know, this includes bells (which I prefer not to play), xylophone (I prefer not to play the school's, but I like Ryan's), the vibraphone (I love playing), and the marimba (I have yet to play because we don't have one yet, but when it comes, I will be very happy). From hanging out with the band and sitting through so many practices, I have realized a previously undiscovered love for brass instruments. My favorite instrument, however is by far piano. I will often sit next to the piano in the band room with my head up against it while someone is playing so that I can hear more piano and less of the surrounding noise. I know, I'm odd. I am a Christian. I have been my whole life, but only withing the past year and a half have I made an effort to become closer to God. I love going to church and youth group, with the music being my favorite part. I'm currently undecided as to what I want to do with my life, except that I know I want to go to college. I'd love to do something with music or photography, but I highly doubt I'd be able to make a living off of it with the little talent I have. I'm leaning towards becoming a teacher, probably in math, but I'm also very interested in Religious Studies. Who knows? That was probably a lot more information then you really cared about, but whatever. :D

My Interests

What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? Dr. Pepper
Color ? Orange or Blue
Food ? Chocolate
Item of clothing ? Radio U Jacket
Meal of the day ? Lunch
Feature on yourself ? Smile
Quality in a guy/girl ? Sense of Humor
Phrase ? It wasn't even funny.
Song ? Oooh. At the moment, it's probably "Town That You Live In"
Musical Artist/Band ? Andrew McMahon
Sport ? Marching Band
Movie ? Pirates of the Carribean
TV Show ? Gilmore Girls
Radio Station ? Radio U
Type of Chocolate ? Milk
Eye Color ? Blue
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? Yes
Have any piercings ? Yes
Have any tatoos ? No
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend No
Gone skinny dipping ? No
Been to Europe ? No
Been to an island ? No
Had stitches ? Yes
Broken any bones ? Possibly
Been stabbed/shot ? Yes, shot with a needle.
Slept until after 12:00 ? Yes.
Stayed up all night ? Yes.
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? No.
Turned down a dare ? Yes.
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? That's tough. All of them have their moments when they're hilarious.
Is the prettiest ? Nicole
Is the most handsom ? Um...
Is the loudest ? Instrument or voice?
Is the craziest ? I think it's impossible to choose.
Is the most shy ? My friends are shy? What?
Is the most loving ? Karin and Becky
Is the most understanding ? Karin
Is the most boring ? Haha. My friends aren't boring.
Is the richest ? Cathy
Is the most athletic ? Adam?
Is the most cocky ? Haha. The male band leaders.
Is the most wordly/cultured ? I don't know.
Do you look up to the most ? Karin
Do you tell everything to ? Karin
Has the best clothes ? Nicole
Has the best house ? I haven't been to all my friends houses, but so far I like Ryan's the best.
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? Depends on the types
Kiss someone of the same sex ? No.
Cheat on someone you love ? No.
Run away from home ? Yes.
Lie to your parents ? Yes.
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? Probably, but I'd like not to.
Lie to your best friend ? Same as above.
Give a homeless person money ? Maybe.
Run from the police ? No.
Bungee jump ? NO
Sky dive ? NO!
Cross dress ? Haha. I have.
Be an exotic dancer ? No.
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? No.
Scuba dive ? Probably not.
Go rock climbing ? Maybe.
Go spulunking (caving) ? Maybe.
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? Chocolate. (It says hear, not read)
Bologna ? My bologna has a first name...
Hott ? Ew.
Orange ? Andrew.
Real world ? MTV.
Jack ? In The Box.
Cucumber ? Sick.
Hip-Hop ? BLEH
Uniform ? Band
UniCORN ! ? White Board in Sword and Shield
Rainbow ? Somewheeeeeere... .:smacks:.
Clown ? Meh.


Fuzzy to the touch

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
Name: Robynne
Birthdate: October 3, 1991
Birthplace: I'm not quite sure.
Current Location: In front of the computer.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Height: 5'9"
Weight: Between 100 and 200 pounds.
Piercings: 2 per ear, but I never use them.
Tatoos: No
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: No
Overused Phraze: It was not even funny.
Food: Chocolate
Candy: Right now, anything pure milk chocolate.
Number: 8
Color: Orange or Blue
Animal: Rabbit
Drink: Dr. Pepper
Alcohol Drink: No thank you.
Bagel: Plain.
Letter: N
Body Part on Opposite sex: Eyes
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Neither
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: Ice
Chocolate or Vanilla Usually I say vanilla, but right now I really want chocolate.
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot Chocolate
Kiss or Hug: Hug (You can give everyone hugs. You can't kiss everyone. Or at least you shouldn't...)
Dog or Cat: Ooh. Both?
Rap or Punk: Punk
Summer or Winter: Winter
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny Movies
Love or Money: Love
Bedtime: Last I heard, it was 8.
Most Missed Memory: When school was easy.
Best phyiscal feature: Smile?
First Thought Waking Up: Do I have to? (It honestly is.)
Goal for this year: To not explode.
Best Friends: Karin, Becky, Emily, Jouge
Weakness: I'm very emotional at times. Plus, I'm just overall weak physically. Especially my ankle.
Fears: Heights, Losing the ones I love
Heritage: What?
Longest relationship: Dating? 0 seconds. Friends? Um... I have no idea.
Pot: Have I pot? no. And I haven't done pot either.
Ever been Drunk: No.
Ever been beaten up: No.
Ever beaten someone up: No.
Ever Shoplifted: No.
Ever Skinny Dipped: No.
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: No.
Been Dumped Lately: No.
Favorite Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Short or Long: Medium
Height: Right about 6'
Style: Um... Whatever fits them best.
Looks or Personality: Personality
Hot or Cute Cute
Drugs and Alcohol: No
Muscular or Really Skinny: Skinny, but still strong.
Number of Regrets in the Past: A few.
What country do you want to Visit: Everywhere.
How do you want to Die: Death by Mallets! ha. No. I don't know.
Been to the Mall Lately: No.
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes and no.
Get along with your Parents: No.
Health Freak: Ha.
Do you think your Attractive: Not really.
Believe in Yourself: Yes.
Want to go to College: Yes.
Do you Smoke: No.
Do you Drink: No.
Shower Daily: Yes.
Been in Love: No.
Do you Sing: Poorly, but often.
Want to get Married: Yes.
Do you want Children: Yes.
Have your future kids names planned out: No.
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: Whenever I get married.
Hate anyone: No.



Just look at my friends list.


I'm a sucker for chick flicks, but I love comedies, too.


I try and watch Gilmore Girls, The O.C., Two and A Half Men, and Family Guy on a regular basis.


I find historical fiction very interesting, along with books about other cultures, especially China and Japan. i like pretty much anything, as long as it's not horror, mystery, or war.


Jesus, Andrew McMahonThis layout is from