A Winston-Salem native, DJ/Producer J. Lone is making a name for himself. With years of extensive DJ experience J. Lone is on a mission to bring NC Hip-Hop to the forefront, as done so by DJ's such as the Aphilliates have done for the ATL and Whoo Kid, Clue, Kay Slay and other's have done for NYC. J. Lone has teamed with producers such as Knock Down F/K/A Baby Head, K-Mac and other local heavy hitters in the triad as well as himself to raise the standard of local hip hop and song making so that it will meet an international acceptance. Hip Hop is a movement, and NC hip-hop is on the move. Look for tracks with NC MC's such as Mz. Nokz, Jon Blaq, Black Hillz, The Alliance, Bron G., K-Mac, Se7en and The Alliance. J. Lone is also in the studio with the singing sensation that is Reco Payne. Get in on the action, J. Lone has beat for sale at www.soundclick.com/jlone. It's about hip-hop and good music. Live it and Love it!
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