What's really good? NC's Best Kept Secret here. I took a lil minute to renovate the page, hope yall like it....anyways, I just want to welcome you to my page. Take a look around, I got some of everything on here.I'm always lookin to connect w/ other g's out there gettin it. Whether it's music, film, poetry, art, clothing, graphic design, distribution...whatever! don't hesitate to hit my wall or send me a message. i'm prolly one of the coolest mofo's u'll eva know..real talk.It's '08 baby! Everybody talkin about change..put ur money where your mouth is? it's NORTH!!!!One of my all-time favorites...R.I.P. Stack Bundles (love this instrumental)G.enerating W.ealth amongst O.ur P.eers - Getcha bread right!!!
layoutchef.comCheck your motives and thoughts...they tell alot about who you are... (Lauryn come back!!)the most unheralded lyricist of today's eraOne time for the '90s...feel free to spell out whatever you want on my freezer...
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