I am the Original Gangsta.When I grow up, I wanna be a ninja... ...or a rapper... ...or a princess...Or maybe just a ninja/rapper/princess....(That's ninja-slash-rapper-slash-princess.) ...Haven't decided yet- quit pressuring me. I'm double-jointed- most people think it's cool until they actually see it... then they just think it's gross.I am fascinated by midgets. I have ADD. I walk really, really fast. I believe in karma... probably. I'm kinda disorganized.I think; therefore, I am??? I'm just misunderstood.
Get to know the REAL you by crash_and_burn
Your Name
You Are A: Emo Boy/Girl
Your Favorite Band/Song Pink Floyd - Bike
You Like To Read: Horror books
You Firmly Believe In: Abstinence
Everyone Thinks You Are: An easy fuck
You Were Conceived: Underwater
You Will Marry: Ghandi
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