im interested in many things .... specially things that makes me as a whole person ....
AnYoNe DaT I CaN GeT AloNg WiTH.....
PoP JaZz..... ReGgAe............. RnB.........tranz...........techno....... SoUL........ SkA........SloWJaMz........ CooL ClAsSiCs ANyTHiNg DAts SoUnDs GoOd....
AcTiOn...... CoMeDy............ hoRrOr
reALiTy TV...... SeX n D cIty....... ETC.....ALL of the CSI's.....Simple life.....Rockstar INXS.....LOST..... hehehe even DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES.....PIMP MY RIDE.....UFC I LOVE THIS! ! !
DA VINCI CODE (it's so interesting to read) PurPoSe DrIvEN LiFe (to grow spiritually) LoRd oF ThE RiNgS (ToLkeN) ThE GoDFaThEr (puzzo)