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I am here for Friends

About Me

{} get your own layout here.I am a daughter, a sister,a young girl and a grown woman. I am confident and scared, terrified and excited. I am loving, caring, thoughtful, and hopeful. I am sick and tired. I am shy and friendly, careful and careless. I am broken and whole. I am misunderstood, misguided, and mislead. I am hardworking and determined, but a little scared on the inside. I wish on stars and dream my dreams. I pray to God and cry my tears. I smile on the outside, while dying on the inside. I listen to others who won't listen to me. I walk on eggshells, and I walk on fire. I believe in passion and true love. I love you and I push you away. I am everything and nothing all at once. Sometimes, I find myself smiling, while missing someone at the same time. I can absolutely love someone, and all the while be trying to hate them.I've been loved. I've been left. I've been wronged by the best. I've had hopes that were shattered in two. I've heard promises spoken I've had dreams left so broken. There's was no chance they'd ever come true. It ain't easy to see but take it from me, there's no hell I haven't walked through.I am strong because I am weak. I am beautiful because I know my flaws. I am a lover because I'm a fighter. I am fearless because I have been afraid. I am wise because I have been foolish... and I can laugh because I've known sadness. My name is Priscilla but mostly everyone calls me "Cilla". I graduated from Burbank in 2006, not much to say about that.Right now I work at Wells Fargo as a Lead Teller. It's both a fun and hectic job that pays my bills. School at the moment is currently on hold due to some financial problems.. but I am going back.. no matter what!
I've made many mistakes in my life, none of which I regret.I have to admit that I do let people take advantage of me, and I accept way less than I deserve. But, I've learned from my bad choices and even though there are some things I can never get back and people who will never be sorry. I'll know better next time and I won't settle for anything less than I deserve from now on.

I recently came to learn that letting go isn't about blocking out memories that were made. Letting go doesn't always have to mean that there's emptiness, hurt or sadness. It's not giving in or giving up. To let go is to cherish the memories, but to overcome and to move on. It's having an open mind and confidence in the future. To let go is to be thankful for the experiences that made me laugh, made me cry and that are going to make me grow. It is realizing that the heart can sometimes be the most potent remedy.I’ve learned that good-byes will always hurt, pictures can never replace being there, memories forget the hard times,and words can never replace feelings.
I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you can eventually learn to trust noone but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
I've learned lately that you cant always trust people things aren't going to go as planned. Friends will be lost, and hearts will be broken. The person who you thought you could count on will let you down. But in these situations, the best thing you can do is hope theres always a tomorrow. So be optimistic, live for the moments and treasure them, never have regrets because at one point it was exactly what you lived for.
One day at a time is enough.Eventually all the pieces will fall into place.. Until then I'm gonna try and laugh at all the confusion, live for the moment, and realize that everything happens for a reason.My life comes without guarantees.