I like surfing the net! Listening to the radio! Watching TV!!!! Especially anime! Ü and of course don’t forget my favorite of them all…. EATING CHOCOLATES!!!! Pero in short eating tatlaga!!!
Anyone! As long as they’re harmless!!! Ehehehe….
RnB, Alternative, but I mostly listen to slow music!
A walk to remember, Lord of the rings (papa legolas…eheeh), Catch me if you can, kahit ano basta maganda!!!
Anime?! Eheheheh… actually, I rarely watch TV because I often sit in front of my computer!Ü
I really don’t read books and there’s only one book that I ought to read which is Wuthering Heights. However, until now I haven’t finish reading it!!! I also read fanfictions, ALWAYS!!!!
Ummm…. Sino ba? Syempre, our one and only savior, Papa Jesus!!! Ü