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About Me

26 year old person doing some school-type stuff.

i think i worry too much, i know i think too much, i think i know too much, i know i smoke too much, i think i dont drink enough, i think i read too much. can you even do that?

i know a little about a whole lot of things, but there are only a few things i know a whole lot about. some would say that makes me interesting right when we first meet, but the allure fades quickly. to that i usually say one of two things:

there are a lot of things you could teach me more about.



its up to you.

im concerned about the end of the world. it's late, and im dissapointed. i was hoping to spend my mid-twenties exterminating zombies and/or battling raiders for gasoline.

one day the end-time really will come, but until then i suppose ill be able to keep myself amused.


My Interests

games (many), books (many), music (few), movies (many), people (very few), drinking (some)im really pretty bored right now, so im down for whatever.

I'd like to meet:

everyone but you?


lots here but everytime i start a list i get bored and hit that damn 'cancel' button. someday, maybe. i'm a warp records whore tho. lemme put it this way. theres a lot of stuff im indifferent to, and it takes one track to really ring true with me before i spend any more than 5 minutes listening to anything. it doesnt mean i dont like it, just dont know it. on a side note, playing too many bemani games tends to really screw with one's taste in music.

aphex twin - afx - gak - caustic window, autechre, orbital, underworld, skinny puppy, front line assembly, squarepusher, plaid, prodigy, KMFDM, mouse on mars, bogdan raczynski, boards of canada, postal service, add n to x, nine inch nails, some vnv nation, covenant, combichrist, push button objects, dr octagon, neubauten, download, peter gabriel, soul coughing, miss kittin, john b, mindless self indulgence, daft punk, suicide commando, neuroticfish, the fucking katamari soundtrack, black mages, mc chris, busta bhymes, duke ellington, infected mushroom, akira yamaoka, dj taka.......

ok i yield to the pressure of trying to think of names that pop into my head with no provocation, im gonna look at my music next time.


cemetary man, brother, battle royale, fireworks, zatoichi. robocop, tron, pretty much any good mid-budget 80's scifi. evil dead series, bruce is the shit. everything ive seen that lynch was involved with. buckaroo banzai, peter weller wont dislodge himself from my brain. existenz, falling down, strange days. akira kurosawa flicks. alien(s). predator 1&2, avalon, akira, primer, machinist, office space, secretary, crash (spader is fucking awesome)....

i know theres a lot more, but dammit i cant think of anything else. i own too many dvds.


Twin peaks. Family Guy. Futurama. Sealab. ATHF. FLCL (fooly cooly). Cowboy Bebop. Fullmetal Alchemist. Serial Experiments: Lain. by looking at this stuff you'd think id be all over adult swim, but i like good anime, thats all. adult swim just throws a lot of crap on tv to see what sticks. misc history/discovery channel crap. dunno man, its just tv.


musashi myamoto. sun tzu. arthur c. clark. koike & kojima. lovecraft. stevenson. richard matheson. william gibson. robert jordan. orson scott card. weis & hickman. neil gaiman.

this is fucking ridiculous.... i own WAY too may books... too many to name. ill try to expand this list as i go, but all my books are back in illinois, so that probably wont happen.

needless to say, reading is something i do. at one point it was replace with drinking, but that time is over. i probably read a lot more than i should, if that is even possible.


Special Agent Dale Cooper. I'm tempted to just say Kyle MachLaughlan, but ill tell ya, he just doesnt age well. I mean, anyone that can pull off Dale Cooper, AND Mua'dib has to be worth something, right? The problem is i dont think i want to look like a half-melted, person-shaped popsicle, or a deflated blowup doll with basketball material for skin when i get older. poor guy.

My Blog

a thing, stolen from maria

Questions: 1. You are not alone. You are walking in the woods. With who?Special Agent Dale Cooper 2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What kind of animal is it?an owl, of course. 3....
Posted by da5id on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 12:53:00 PST

survey stolen from rick

1. How old will you be in 10 months? 26 2. Do you think you will be married by then? no. 3. What do you look forward to most in the next 3 months ?end of spring semester.beginning of summer semester...
Posted by da5id on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 07:26:00 PST


i am extremely bored right now. it doesnt help that i cant drive anywhere and im broke until thursday, but that doesnt even matter that much.its just been so insanely nice out the last couple of days,...
Posted by da5id on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 12:32:00 PST

have you ever had that feeling you were being watched?

i havent.i wonder why people would ever think that.
Posted by da5id on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 03:55:00 PST


today was my first day as a mobile audio installer for circuit city.  no longer do i  lug around extremely large, several-thousand-dollar boxes for idiots to try and cram into the back of th...
Posted by da5id on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 08:16:00 PST


school has started again.i will now be even more impossible to reach than i have been previously.  i can only assume this means that Internet will be seriously wounded, since He is my only functi...
Posted by da5id on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 10:25:00 PST

Battle(s) Without Honor or Humanity >>

fall guykinji fukasakuyakuza papers >> battle royale                  takeshi kitano >> izo     ...
Posted by da5id on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 05:11:00 PST


i am insanely bored right now.  i just realized that after taking a five hour nap upon my return home from work, i do not have to work again until 3pm tomorrow.yay...on the upside, there is a cha...
Posted by da5id on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 01:26:00 PST

i'm not a tailor...

i will never make or wear a Don(ald) suit.this i swear.
Posted by da5id on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 06:58:00 PST

four pounds of meat, at least one tree, and 107 hours later...

for those that weren't aware, large portions of western washington lost electricity for varous amounts of time.  my complex lost power around 1 a.m., friday morning last.i suppose this shouldn't ...
Posted by da5id on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 11:53:00 PST