expl o ring aband o ned places in the middle o f the day o r the deep o f the night, H o bbes the tiger: greatest phil o s o pher t o ever live, Albert Camus and o ther such studies o f existentialism, digital painting and digital painting exhibiti o n, speaking French t o pe o ple wh o d o n't kn o w French, speaking French t o pe o ple wh o speak French better than I, applying Bushid o to m o dern-day life, playing t o o much Guitar Her o and still being o bliterated by my friends, the Deep O ld O nes, languages and linguists, f o rtifying my h o me and place o f w o rk against the inevitable z o mbie o utbreak, the dark and strange and macabre-- and the deeply unsettling t o o , m o vies and music until I explode, Ninjutsu, inventive tatt o o s, analyzing Silent Hill o n the level of high psych o l o gical art (and o ther vide o games, t o o ), sarcasm that b o rders o n heartless cruelty
Artists and dreamers. Any O ne. And pretty much everyb o dy I've already met, o f c o urse.
Music I can feel.
Akira Yama o ka, The All-American Rejects, A Perfect Circle, Audi o slave, Barenaked Ladies, The Beatles, Beeth o ven, Billy J o el, Björk, Black Sabbath, Blink-182, Bl o c Party, B o wling f o r S o up, Brian En o , Ch o pin, C o ldplay, C o njure o ne, Creed, The Crystal Meth o d, The Cure, Cursive, David B o wie, Death Cab f o r Cutie, Deft o nes, Did o , Disturbed, DJ T o mcraft, D o n Henley, The D o o rs, The Eagles, Elt o n J o hn, Eminem, Enigma, Enya, E.S. P o sthumus, Expl o si o ns in the Sky, Evanescence, Everclear, Fall O ut B o y, Finger Eleven, Fi o na Apple, Fluke, F o o Fighters, F o rt Min o r, Franz Ferdinand, The Gathering, G o dsmack, G o o G o o D o lls, G o rillaz, Green Day, H o o tie & the Bl o wfish, Interp o l, Jeffers o n Starship Airplane, Jem, J o hnny Cash, Jun o React o r, Killswitch Engage, The K o o ks, Lacuna C o il, Linkin Park, L o uis Armstr o ng, Marilyn Mans o n, Mar o o n 5, Metallica, Michael Jacks o n, Missy Higgins, M o by, M o zart, Muse, My Chemical R o mance, Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, N o bu o Uematsu, O ur Lady Peace, O zzy O sb o urne, Panic! at the Disc o , P o e, P o rtishead, Queen, Queens o f the St o ne Age, Radi o head, Red H o t Chili Peppers, Relient K, R o b D o ugan, R o b Z o mbie, Sinead O 'C o nn o r, Skunk Anansie, The Smashing Pumpkins, Smash M o uth, S o mething C o rp o rate, S o nic Y o uth, Spineshank, SR-71, Staind, Subliminal O rphans, Sum 41, System o f a D o wn, Tapr o o t, Tears F o r Fears, Third Eye Blind, T o mandandy, T o o l, Train, UNKLE, The Vines, The Wallfl o wers, The White Stripes, Ye o ng-W o o k J o o , Y o -Y o Ma... and that's just f o r starters!
I watch a l o t o f m o vies.
Akira, Alien, Aliens, Brick, Cap o te, Children o f Men, The C o nstant Gardener, Crash, Dawn of the Dead (b o th o f 'em), D o nnie Dark o , The Empire Strikes Back, The Hills Have Eyes (2006), Indiana J o nes (any which o ne), Kill Bill v o l. 1 and v o l. 2, King K o ng, Lady in the Water, The L o rd o f the Rings (all of 'em), Mysteri o us Skin, Night o f the Living Dead, The Ninth Gate, O ldb o y, Running Scared, Sanjur o , Shaun o f the Dead, Silent Hill, Sin City, Sympathy f o r Mr. Vengeance, Unbreakable, Underw o rld, The Village, X-Men, X2, Y Tu Mama Tambien, and pretty much anything with z o mbies.
F o ster's H o me F o r Imaginary Friends, L o o ney Tunes, Family Guy, Duck D o dgers, Futurama, R o b o t Chicken, M o nty Pyth o n's Flying Circus!, The Daily Sh o w, The C o lbert Rep o rt, S o uth Park, and L O ST is g o o d s o metimes.
House of Leaves, O nly Rev o luti o ns, The L o vely B o nes, The Stranger, Maus, Heart o f Darkness, A H o me at the End o f the W o rld, Battle R o yale, The R o ad, L o ve, the French-English dicti o nary, anything Shakespeare, anything H.P. L o vecraft, C o nversati o ns with G o d, Peace is the Way, and the Z o mbie Survival Guide-- n o self-respecting survivalist sh o uld be with o ut it.
N o O ne.