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About Me

Yes, Ken, Islam is the great whore. And I am merely projecting Obadiah verses 10 to 14. . . Regardless. . . Do your homework. I still have got zero people emailing me with those magic words: I want to sue Bush.

My name: Oliver Oyanadel, Oyanadel is a name that means the tree with the most leaves. There is much prophecy on the symbol of the olive trees; God's chosen people. But those olive trees are the two witnesses; Jesus Christ and David Koresh. But I am not either one of them. I want nothing from you but to save the world. You should also know the proper name for Jesus Christ is Yehoshua Mashiach, and that Koresh is the Hebrew name for Cyrus in which biblically his name is called the Word of God. So come and see Yahweh Koresh On Mount Zion, for He will teach us what He wants us to do; we will walk in the paths He has chosen.
Date of birth: May 7, 1972
Occupation: Fellow servant of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit may have to deal with justice, but she's motivated by compassion.
Do you want to know the truth? When those towers fell in New York, I prayed to the Lord Almighty to please not let George W. Bush forget about Iraq and to kill Saddam if it was the Lord’s truth. Has God shown me the truth? Lord, I beg you to protect us from simple minds whose contempt is projecting their own unconscious’s feelings about their own conscious ego. I'd rather die than to have to protect myself from the world. Even when I was a kid I knew you always trust the one you're fist fighting with your own lives, fist fighting is an act of mercy to begin with. I’m telling our military, “You protect us; but that’s as far as it goes: that is constitutionally the Country you serve.” And that goes for C.I.A., N.S.A., and us in the U.S.A.. The Lord is rolling the eight before your fires from now on.
Absolutely every object is but music of the creator in its own spectrum. So rejoice, Satan, in who you are; you are the margin of error that must be brought closer to God, and it depends on all of us.
All that I know was shown to me by the Father; the Lord Almighty. lo z'man.
I’m so afraid to post this because I do not want to commit treason by accident, but I feel I must warn the N.S.A. of a ten year old psychic dream I had about a plane crash in the winter time, and then, when a nuclear mushroom cloud blew up, I saw the symbol of the Pakistani flag in red. Okay, I won’t blog it. It would be treason. But somehow this represented the end of the world. Either the plane crash or the nuclear war will probably be on December 21 2012, don't you think? And even with the personal unconscious, this is a psychic dream. Because I have no interest in Pakistan, I hate Islam. I can feel you watching this now psychically. The thing is, I really have to stop this nuclear war. The next ice-age is avoidable; in the words of Al Gore, “If we as a species let this happen, it is DEEPLY unethical.”
George Bush Senior used to kill for the C.I.A.; he was such an elite and efficient killer, that he worked his way up to becoming head of the C.I.A. and indeed helped his government assassinate John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, and Martin Luther King. Once George Bush Senior became president, he quickly bribed many in power with land and wealth to set up his plan to take charge over every possible mechanism of the Government like a well oiled machine by the time his son, George W. Bush dishonestly won the election by stealing the votes from Al Gore with an executable code in the memory card that counted the votes. His plan now is to keep the world on gas powered vehicles, thus causing the next ice-age while the only ones who will survive will have all the oil in the world to keep themselves warm, even though with a mile of ice over everyone’s head, without plant life, there can be no breathable air. And he is confident that no one will even believe the truth when told to him. And he is going to allow Barack Obama to become president only so that he can assassinate Obama if Obama switches 90% of all vehicles to 0 emission electric cars the way we should. Bush will try to control Obama from his secret throne only to kill him as a scapegoat if anything happens Bush does not like.
Now I leave it in all of your hands who actually might care enough to do what little is in your power to save the world from yet another ice-age. We only have until 2011 and a half and the year 2012 will be too late. If the co2 from 90% of all vehicles cause the ice caps to continue to melt away beyond then, sea level will rise all over the world quite drastically, and enough to introduce so much fresh water in the ocean to shut down the golf stream and trigger the next ice-age, just as it has been done before. The glaciers will eventually wipe off all the evidence of our technology from the planet, turning all our steel back into iron ore, all our wood into coal and diamonds, and every dead organism into rich oil, shifting the cotenants, eventually adding more land to Antarctica. But the earth has already lived over 70 percent of its lifespan, so, this would be the very last ice-age before the end of the world, which we as a species cannot afford.
This is a CCSD law concern, but it concerns all of us as it is actually a mass murder on a global scale presently in progress. I want to sue former president George H. W. Bush Senior and bring criminal charges against him for killing David Koresh and his students and presently causing the next ice-age by his making sure we stay oil dependant. I would want Al Gore, Bev Harris, and at least one of the Branch Davidian survivors to testify as well as any testimony from each of their own sources. I would also bring charges against Bush for the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, and Martin Luther King. There is already proof Bush was controlling the C.I.A. at that point (The so called director of the C.I.A. does not control the C.I.A. in actuality; the director is appointed for the safety of those who are really in charge. Just as the president is subject to the secret government.). And there are few people left in the world who truly believe those assassinations were not sought out by the C.I.A.. I know this must sound like a joke but the witness list would have enough on him to convince a jury. I would settle out of court for one fully equipped 0 emission electric car for every house hold. Please contact me if you are willing to take me seriously, for this is not a joke, I want to bring criminal charges against George Bush Senior. So will you help me?
I have biblical testimony for the jury: during Bill Clinton’s administration, Janet Reno killed 87 innocent bible students loosing four agents, and every one of those four agents were also Bill Clinton’s body guards during his campaign. I am saying that George Bush Senior was behind it every step of the way. Janet Reno burned David Koresh and his students down to the ground for simply learning the last book of the bible, Revelation, and God revealed himself to Moses as a burning ‘Bush’. Why else do you think it was a burning bush?
Though we only have until the middle of the year 2011 before our deadline is up to cut down on our co2 levels enough by switching 90% of all vehicles to 0 emission electric cars or else the next ice-age will begin, this doesn’t even mean truckers and long distance drivers need to change at all. These are scientific facts, and something needs to be done about it. Something drastic needs to be done. If this isn’t the time referenced in Revelation, then when is? And if the burning bush did not symbolize God’s future will to burn Bush, then what else would it mean? I have never heard a single theologian or even any priest or rabbi offer a single other clue.
In the book of Daniel, there is a prophecy about the Waco incident, and in Chapter 7, Daniel sees a vision of 4 beasts, one of which he could not describe fully, later referenced in composite form in Revelation; it reveals the presidents and the leaders in control of the governments of 7 countries including the United States of America. In Daniel 7:24 it says of Daniel’s vision, “The ten horns are ten kings who will rule that empire. Then another king will appear; he will be very different from the earlier ones and will overthrow three kings.” Those three kings are John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, whose last name was king. But it goes on to say, “He will speak against the Supreme God and oppress God’s people. He will try to change their religious laws and festivals, and God’s people will be under his power for three and a half years. Then the heavenly court will sit in judgment, take away his power, and destroy him completely. The power and greatness of all the kingdoms on earth will be given to the people of the Supreme God. Their royal power will never end, and all rulers on earth will serve and obey them.” Remember the burning ‘Bush’? That’s God’s judgment we should burn Bush, we are guaranteed a win. Even though Bush is framing Obama for being the one king who is different from the others.
What each of you can do about it is bring charges yourselves against George Bush Senior by emailing me at [email protected] with the heading 'I want to sue Bush'. That's all you have to do! Stay committed to this cause because time is getting too late for half measures. It was 8 years ago when Al Gore said we only have 10 short years to do something about Global Warming, and based on all the real data, we only have until the middle of the year 2011 and 2012 will be too late. So, please, someone, do this with me, and help me burn Bush the way God wants.
Thank you,
Either God testified in the bible that Bush senior ordered the kill on John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King, or that he only did David Koresh; either way, we the people demand payment in one 0 emission electric car per house hold. What’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong; ask yourselves if this contributes to the survival of our species, or if it contributes to the extinction of our species. What you permit on earth shall be permitted in heaven, and what you prohibit on earth shall be prohibited in heaven. Smoking seems to be prohibited wherever I go. Do you know there would be enough to smoke the Native American pleasures; all it takes to prevent the next ice-age is for 90% of all vehicles to be 0 emission electric cars… Easily done… Mega bucks, to the ones who deserve and earned it by creating the technology: that is what must happen. And God appeared to Moses as a burning bush not consumed by the flames. 70 is numerological for the totality of God, and if the 70s has taught us anything, that is the meaning of the word Burn. So burn bush for burning down David Koresh to save the world. I need multiple people to sue--man, two hundred million!
If you will now focus your attention on the constellation of Orion the sword has now come off Orion’s Belt; it used to be attached: God is going to punish the whole world with a global ice-age if we do not do this by 2011. All the world worships the ego, and that’s a shame. Worship God, the Father, and his chosen Son, David Koresh, who should have been the one to do this. I was not the one called to do this part, David Koresh was. Don’t blame me for not being good enough. Blame the ATF controlled by Bush senior to try and shut David Koresh up about what God says in his 7 seals before we even got there in our history, and now, welcome to the age of the fourth seal. I’m glad to have lived through all of the third seal’s age, and I’m still here. And remember that the 7th seal is the next ice-age. Does Obama have any power at all? I’m unconvinced. So now You know God’s will; nature will teach you the hard way if we do not do this by 2011.
Read this whole site as ravenous birds, then email me at [email protected] with the heading, "I want to sue Bush."
David Koresh appeared to me in a dream. He was giving a sermon in an elaborate church. He asked the people, "Who is worthy to open the book? Who is worthy to drink from my chalice?" Filled with ambitious fear, I got up from my pew and approached him, reaching for the chalice, which was filled with his own blood. The chalice became one of the golden bowls of God's holy anger (the 7 plagues). He then very solemnly spit his saliva into it, as if in ceremony, and handed it to me. Without touching my lips to the blood-filled bowl, I inhaled the contents of the blood from the bowl and the symbolic spit separated from the blood and entered my own mouth (I have to say this: I was sucking it up from the bowl, I just refused to touch my lips to the edges; there was nothing gay about it). Now when I analyze the dream, I see the spit symbolized the words of God's holy anger itself, and that He wants me to take it all in so that I can present it to the world. My book, which I'm trying to sell, will show you why he is angry and how you can be united with the Holy Spirit. If I can only post the new edits on my blog, but myspace no longer blogs book length material. But an older copy can be found on my separate site called The Book Of The Living on my friends list below. I really wish I didn't title it that, because we should all know that the real book of the living where the dead and living are judged is in fact the Holy Bible.
Marc Breault was truly the infamous false prophet (he let his ego possess his life). And the majority of the world unfortunately believes the lies that came out of his mouth even though they have no idea who he is. People get so upset and disgusted by my faith in David Koresh. They feel I'm so stupid to believe in such a baseless, insane and violent idea that seems to go against all righteousness; they are psychologically projecting their own baseless, insane and violent accusation against the most righteous man who walked the earth in recent times; they believe the damnable heresies against Koresh that Marc Breault and a few from Australia told key government people hoping to destroy him. As it says in 2 Peter 2:2, "The way of truth shall be evil spoken of."
Either way, God wins: there will be justice for David Koresh. It takes a days wages for anyone in the government to have people killed. But don't you ever harm God's chosen people or the Lamb's true servants!
No father wants to punish his children. The end of the world is absolutely nothing to the Father; He made it once He can make it again. It's your move. Will you take the hand of the Lamb?

Our Father, the creator, O Lord Almighty, the Lord Our Righteousness! Please, I pray as hard as I can! Please send lightning to strike dead all over America everyone who shared in the responsibility of the death of David Koresh and his students and the four agents as well as everyone who shared in the responsibility of the propaganda against the Davidians no matter how small their part. Please have mercy on my kind, even though I have never once found anyone who has anything in common with me. Father, I know your mercy is great, but my mercy is spent, and you promised a great day for the righteous and a terrible day for the wicked. So, Father, I beg you, if no one--not even me--is worthy of your salvation, show your wrath against every last person who deserves it the most! Please! I once learned to love without measure, but they have strangled any merciful traces within me out forever. I myself will never kill, or even raise my own hand up to send down lightning as you have promised for Elijah, but I pray as hard as I can for YOUR wrath, Father. Even if no one will survive the next ice-age, I pray that every agent responsible and all their employees and even those they love will die in the most miraculous ways so that no one can deny it was the very act of God Himself. Lord, please, when my own great mercy fails, follow suit. We both remembered great Babylon and the massacre in Tiananmen Square as well as the racism in the south, and all those innocent lives whose past lives were filled with evil and you poured out the cup of your anger at full strength. So, Lord, I beg you: send down your thunder and lightning to kill, and strangle the hearts of those who can even hide from such a thing. I’m begging you, Father in heaven, ice-age or not, do it now!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Yehoshua Mashiach; YHWH; Yahweh Koresh right here on earth.

"Lord, when Thy hand is lifted up, they will not see, but they shall see and be ashamed for their envy at the people, yea, the fire of Thine enemies shall devour THEM."

David Koresh

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Every agent that died served as a body guard for Bill Clinton. Bush had everything to do with it even during Bill Clinton's administration. Why else do you think God revealed himself to Moses as a burning 'bush'? I defy you to find another meaning. The secret mafia government known only as the Bush family is causing the next ice-age by controlling every president including Obama and keeping us on fossil fuel for the next ten years when in all reality we can successfully switch to clean resources in a matter of 2 short years--And we had better do it in only 2 years, because 2012 is the deadline to cut down our co2 levels or else it's the end of the world! And no one will know the day or the hour.

Psalm 2

God’s Chosen King

Why do the nations plan rebellion? Why do people make their useless plots? Their kings revolt, their rulers plot together against the Lord and against the king he chose. “Let us free ourselves from their rule,” they say; “let us throw off their control.”

From his thrown in heaven the Lord laughs and mocks their feeble plans. Then he warns them in anger and terrifies them with his fury. “On Zion, my sacred hill,” he says, “I have installed my king.”

“I will announce,” says the king, “what the Lord has declared. He said to me: ‘You are my son; today I have become your father. Ask, and I will give you all the nations; the whole earth will be yours. You will break them with an iron rod; you will shatter them in pieces like a clay pot.’”

Now listen to this warning, you kings; learn this lesson, you rulers of the world: Serve the Lord with fear; tremble and bow down to him; or else his anger will be quickly aroused, and you will suddenly die. Happy are all who go to him for protection.

Go ahead and be stupid! Go ahead and be blind! Get drunk without any wine! Stagger without drinking a drop! The Lord has made you drowsy, ready to fall into a deep sleep. The prophets should be the eyes of the people, but God has blindfolded them. The meaning of every prophetic vision will be hidden from you; it will be like a sealed scroll. If you take it to someone who knows how to read and ask him to read it to you, he will say he can't because it is sealed. If you give it to someone who can't read and ask him to read it to you, he will answer that he doesn't know how.
The Lord said, "These people claim to worship me, but their words are meaningless, and their hearts are somewhere else. Their religion is nothing but human rules and traditions, which they have simply memorized. So I will startle them with one unexpected blow after another. Those who are wise will turn out to be fools, and all their cleverness will be useless." (Isaiah 29:9-14)

[Did you know since ancient times, a wedding dream symbolized death in the future? Could be a miscarriage, you never know.]

Take this truth. It will taste sweet in your mouth, but it will turn bitter in your belly.
[Whether you like it or not David Koresh was the Lamb, because now that you believe that Jesus is guilty of some of the worst sins on earth, you Christians no longer have any excuse to hold another individual in contempt ever again. Only the Lamb was able to open the first seal by living and breathing the bible. And still, don’t you dare forget how not one word the press has officially said about David Koresh was true, not one word of accusation.]
Then I saw the Lamb break open the first of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice that sounded like thunder, "Come!" I looked, and there was a white horse. Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown. He rode out as a conqueror to conquer. (Revelation 6:1;2)
[Koresh's gun was His bow, and His messianic status among His followers was His crown. He sure made it seem like He was setting up to conquer the world… Or at least to the ATF He did. Koresh just wanted all the earth to enjoy the kingdom of God, and you still say He was not worthy of that crown?]
[In Revelation, the seven trumpets announce the arrival of each of the seven seals, yet are written after the fact. The hail of gunshots and the Davidian compound burning down can be seen in the first of the seven trumpets:]
The first angel blew his trumpet. Hail and fire, mixed with blood, came pouring down on the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees, and every blade of green grass. (Revelation 8:7)
[Because of the holy trinity, a "third" of the casualties represents Christian casualties.]
[The seven bowls are plagues on the ones who will not accept the seven seals as such.]
The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly and painful sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshipped his image. (Revelation 16:2)
[This is saying quite bluntly and without symbolism that if you do not accept David Koresh as being the Lamb who opened the first seal then you will get an ugly and painful sore to prove it. Let me know if it's true. Look up Morgellons disease from eyewitness news; the first bowl has surfaced in South Texas.]
[Osama Binladen was the second seal:]
Then the Lamb broke open the second seal, and I heard the second living creature say, "Come!" Another horse came out, a red one. Its rider was given the power to bring war on the earth, so that men should kill each other. He was given a large sword. (Revelation 6:3;4)
[Osama's nine eleven attacks are shown in the second trumpet:]
Then the second angel blew his trumpet. Something that looked like a huge mountain on fire was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea was turned into blood. A third of the living creatures of the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed. (Revelation 8:8;9)
[And remember, a 'third' means Christian or more to the point, the Holy Spirit’s casualties.]
The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead man, and every living thing in the sea died. (Revelation 16:3)
[The sea are those in the business world, since by merchants' sources, all nations are the sea.]
[And I am the third seal, who can only bring the death of your false sense of justice:]
Then the Lamb broke open the third seal; and I heard the third living creature say, "Come!" I looked, and there was a black horse. Its rider held a pair of scales in its hand. I heard what sounded like a voice coming from among the four living creatures, which said, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages. But do not damage the olive trees and the vineyards!" (Revelation 6:5;6)
[I know what I am meant to say as the third seal. And since I do, then I will: "We need justice for David Koresh! It takes a days wages for anyone in the government to have people killed. But don't you ever harm God's chosen people or the Lamb's true servants!" The wheat and barley represent the people of different classes. God's chosen people are represented by the olive trees, and the Lamb's true servants are represented by the vineyards. Don't kill the messenger, you know? I'm just announcing the harvest, not participating in it. But only the first four seals were accompanied by the four living creatures, which tells me they are the only four seals opened by particular people. 5, 6 and 7 are just everyone’s fault if we do not accept the Lamb’s truth and offer for salvation; with my novel that I'm trying to sell, I will show you how to gain access to the Holy Spirit, something the rest of the world refused at the time of the Waco incident. If you have passed judgment on those who seem too different from you, like the Branch Davidians (David Koresh’s students), then you have simply not kept your garment clean for the marriage supper of the Lamb. You see, in ancient times, a wedding dream symbolized death in the future. We witnessed His death, now He will witness yours. Unless… Do you accept Him now? Good.]
Then the third angel blew his trumpet. A large star, burning like a torch, dropped from the sky and fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. (The name of the star is "Bitterness.") A third of the water turned bitter, and many people died from drinking the water, because it had turned bitter. (Revelation 8:10;11)
[The waters are the words of truth I have to offer, and the star burning like a torch is David Koresh, the first and the last of the seven stars in Revelation. Thus the waters are 'bitter' for you to come to grips with.]
The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood. Then I heard the angel in charge of the waters say: "You are just in these judgments, you who are and who were, the Holy One, because you have so judged; for they have shed the blood of your saints and prophets, and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve."
And I heard the altar respond:
"Yes, Lord God Almighty, true and just are your judgments." (Revelation 16:4;5;6;7)
[Once again the waters are the words giving you blood to drink as you deserve for shedding the blood of David Koresh and his students.]
"Let him with understanding figure out the number of the beast, for it stands for a man's name." (Revelation 13:18)
[David Koresh counted the 7 heads of the beast: Babylon 1, Neo-Persia 2, Greece 3, Rome 4, Ecclesiastical Rome 5, the fatal wound being healed became Europe 6, America 7. The whole United States of America is the seventh head of the beast. "The beast that was and is no longer is itself the eighth king. It belongs with the seven kings and goes to its perdition." The 8th king is our president. After David Koresh (the 7th angel who opened the 1st seal, thus becoming the 1st horseman), the rest of the four horsemen were Osama (bad man, 2nd horseman), Oliver Christian Oyanadel (That's me, the 3rd horseman simply because GOD has revealed this to me), and Obama (future president, 4th horseman). The fourth horseman is the third man whose better known name begins with the letter O; O is the sixth letter in the Aramaic alphabet, 666; now isn't that simple? You might think, wouldn't my own double O initials make me the third O and make me the beast? I have two Os in my name because who am I? I'm just a stranger to you all; Osama and Obama need no introduction. The beast has always been the kings in charge. Barack Obama has to be the beast from the earth. He's not the devil. Every king is the natural anti-Christ if Jesus is the one true king. And the secret government who controls the world's oil is planning to assassinate president Obama. I don't want to let that happen and I don't think God wants to let that happen. So Obama, if you can hear me, you must be on guard and prevent them from killing you. You have a lot of good to do. Since ancient times the beast has always symbolized the power of the governments in times of war, or in today's language, the president. Money is the mark of the beast as it has all those presidents’ names and portraits on it:]
The beast forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, to have a mark placed on their right hands or on their foreheads. No one could buy or sell unless he had this mark, that is, the beast's name or the number that stands for the name. (Revelation 13:16;17)
[The number was 666, our future ‘president’. The mark of the president placed on your right hand is money, placed on your forehead, means you're thinking about money. The number that stands for the beast’s name means president Jackson is a 20 dollar bill for instance.]
The following is all me, Oliver Oyanadel talking:
Joseph Campbell asked the question, “Can man find nature in himself and God in himself at the same time?” The thing about that is if we can agree that God represents the creator, in whatever form it takes, then nature cannot be separate from the creator; nature and the laws of physics are just and are both parts of the 360 degree spectrum of the very face of God the creator. Joseph Campbell was a student of Dr. Carl Gustav Jung; the psychiatrist who fathered the field of analytical psychology and dream analysis. The symbolism used in dream analysis is no different than any symbolism including the symbolism in literature and movies as well as biblical symbolism in all religions. This relationship between analytical psychology and religion was key to deciphering the prophecies in revelation, which brings together the prophecies of all the books of the bible. We will focus on the prophecies implicating George Bush senior very soon, I do not want to delay, but first, I will start with original sin in the Garden of Eden.
Psychologically, the id is our instinctual nature. The ego is our identification with form, which takes the form of I, me, or mine, and it reacts to the forms of it, him, her, his, hers, they, them and theirs. The superego is where the psychic part of ourselves are stored and concentrates on we, us and ours as a unity. Our memories are stored in the ego. Our intuitive perception is stored in the superego, and our underlying sense of right and wrong are stored in the id. But the id subconsciously stirs up your contempt for the things you are unconsciously guilty of, which only means you are not conscious of being guilty of those things (this is called projection): thus proving the childhood rebuttal true; “I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you." Or at least it proves it symbolically, which is the collective unconscious way of delivering justice on yourself, your ego, whether it is reward or punishment.”
Think hard about the last person who was unjustly angry with or contemptuous of you. Think, now; to when you were right and this person who was angry with you was wrong. Wasn’t this person actually guilty of the very thing he or she accused you of? When a mother is angry with her son, saying, “You never take out the trash,” her son can justly say to himself, “She’s the one who never takes out the trash. Why is it always me?” Though the mother was psychologically projecting her own guilt on her son resulting in a temporary state of contempt for her son, this does not automatically make her wrong of course, but the projection is there. Likewise a man might say to his wife, “Why do you treat me like I’m worthless all the time, like I’m an idiot?” And his wife could justly say back to him, “But that is exactly how you treat me, like I’m a worthless idiot, like my opinion doesn’t count!” Doesn’t this sound all too familiar? It is the original sin, our original fall from grace in the Garden of Eden: we eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of what is good and what is bad; this is judgmental contempt. It can only bring suffering to all who judge with contempt in their hearts. From then on, Eve would have to ‘suffer’ increased pains of child birth (because of her judging with contempt), and Adam would have to work hard his whole life for the soil to produce anything at all, and it would produce weeds and thorns so that he would have to eat wild plants instead until he died, all because he listened to his wife and learned to judge with contempt in his heart. And it is contempt that is the reaction of fear to give Dr. Joseph Campbell his credit. I would have missed that point without him.
Now that I have covered a small portion of the book of Genesis, I will get right into the beast of Revelation 13 and reveal George Herbert Walker Bush as the one king who killed David Koresh and the one king in prophecy who is causing the end of the world through the next ice-age by keeping the world power dependent on fossil fuel. In order to decipher the beast with seven heads and ten horns of Revelation 13 we need to take a look at the book of Daniel where we first see the prophecy of this beast. In revelation there are two beasts who rule the world; this is a composite of the four beasts of Daniel’s vision, one of which he admittedly could not describe fully. The prophecy of Daniel 7 reads as follows but with my comments:
Daniel’s Vision of the Four Beasts
In the first year that Belshazzar was king of Babylon, I had a dream and saw a vision in the night. I wrote the dream down, and this is the record of what I saw that night.
Winds were blowing from all directions and lashing the surface of the ocean [This is war gripping all nations. Biblically, by merchants’ sources, all nations are the sea]. Four huge beasts came up out of the ocean, each one different from the others. The first one looked like a lion, but had wings like an eagle. [the lion was once a symbol for Babylon. Iraq now stands where Babylon used to be. It had wings of an eagle and the eagle is now the symbol on the government seal of the United States of America.] While I was watching, the wings were torn off. The beast was lifted up and made to stand like a man. And then a human mind was given to it. [The wings being torn off represents Iraq loosing any support from the U.S.A. The beast lifted up, made to stand like a man with a human mind given to it represents how the war had focused on Saddam Hussein.]
The second beast looked like a bare standing on its hind legs. It was holding three ribs between its teeth, and a voice said to it, “Go on, eat as much meat as you can!” [the bare was the symbol representing Neo-Persia, which brought the fall of Babylon. By now, Iraq has certainly fallen under the power of George W. Bush; George Herbert Walker Bush’s son.]
While I was watching, another beast appeared. It looked like a leopard, but on its back there were four wings, like the wings of a bird, and it had four heads. It had a look of authority about it. [The leopard is the symbol representing Greece. The number 4 represents justice, and the beast having four wings and four heads with the look of authority about it ties this all together as the democracy, being a Greek ideal, of the United Nations.]
As I was watching, a fourth beast appeared. It was powerful, horrible, terrifying. With its huge iron teeth it crushed its victims, and then it trampled on them. Unlike the other beasts, it had ten horns. While I was staring at the horns, I saw a little horn coming up among the others. It tore out three of the horns that were already there. [The little horn who takes down three kings represents the under cover king, George Bush Senior killing the ‘three’ (numerological for Christian or of the Holy Spirit) horns, which are symbolic for kings; the ‘three’ kings are a composite of the one true king and ruler of all nations; David Koresh. He will come again to rule over all nations if we do His will and save the earth from a global ice-age.]
The Vision of the One Who Has Been Living Forever
While I was looking, thrones were put in place. One who had been living forever sat down on one of the thrones. His clothes were white as snow, and his hair was like pure wool. [White as snow and pure as wool represents his purity of spirit. This is David Koresh, His voice and His name is the word of God.] His throne, mounted on fiery wheels, was blazing with fire, and a stream of fire was pouring out from it. [David Koresh and his students were burned down to the ground, were they not?] There were many thousands of people there to serve him, and millions of people stood before him. The court began its session, and the books were opened. [Millions of people stood before their televisions and judged David Koresh, opening the books, which coming from Daniel, the books he is referring to are all in the bible.]
While I was looking, I could still hear the little horn bragging and boasting. As I watched, the fourth beast was killed, and its body was thrown into the flames and destroyed. The other beasts had their power taken away, but they were permitted to go on living for a limited time. [And this is exactly what former head of the C.I.A. during three assassinations, and former president, George Herbert Walker Bush and his son former president cheat (not elect) framed David Koresh of by burning David Koresh, 87 people to the ground. And the 87 people dead is numerological for double justice of GOD. But this proves it because Truth is the Word of God, and the Word of God was given to Cyrus; which is Koresh in Hebrew, and his name is called the Word of God, which brings us to the following part.]
During this vision in the night, I saw what looked like a human being. He was approaching me, surrounded by clouds and he went to the one who had been living forever and was presented to him. He was given authority, honor, and royal power, so that the people of all nations, races and languages would serve him. His authority would last forever, and his kingdom would never end. [This will be David Koresh in the year 2041, or else, if you do not find Bush Senior guilty of presently causing the next ice-age thus in the process of committing mass murder on a global scale, and if you do not reward us all with 0 emission electric cars, the world will end, and no one will know the day or the hour, so says the Lord our God. And God, which is always and only the creator, communicates to his servants the prophets symbolically so that only in an egoless state of inspiration can he know the Truth, which is the Word of God. I want you to remember the seventh seal is the next ice-age, and only until 2011 can we avoid this fate if we just take the hand of the Lord and do His will, and do right. John Nash, who if only could analyze a dream would be a prophet, he knows we need only ask one question of ourselves: will this contribute to the survival of the human race, or the extinction of the human race?]
The Vision Is Explained
[Daniel 7 continues]
The visions I saw alarmed me, and I was deeply disturbed. I went up to one of those standing there and asked him to explain it all. So he told me the meaning. He said, “These four huge beasts are four empires which will arise on earth. And the people of the Supreme God will receive royal power and keep it forever and ever.” [Don’t you want to do God’s will? Now that we can see there were C.I.A. issues Bill Clinton had no power over and lost his own agents, knowing how Bush burned Koresh, I let Koresh lead me in my life--And remember; not one word of accusation against David Koresh was true.]
Then I wanted to know more about the fourth beast, which was not like any of the others-the terrifying beast which crushed its victims with its bronze claws and iron teeth and then trampled on them. And I wanted to know about the ten horns on its head and the horn that had come up afterward and had made three of the horns fall. It had eyes and a mouth and was boasting proudly. It was more terrifying than any of the others.
While I was looking, that horn made war on God’s people and conquered them. Then the one who had been living forever came and pronounced judgment in favor of the people of the Supreme God. The time had arrived for God’s people to receive royal power. [Let’s make it a true democracy again.]
This is the explanation I was given: “The fourth beast is a fourth empire that will be on the earth and will be different from all other empires. It will crush the whole earth and trample it down. The ten horns are ten kings who will rule that empire. Then another king will appear; he will be very different from the earlier ones and will overthrow three kings. [Bush is trying to biblically frame Obama for being the king who is very different from the earlier ones. God’s true king for any empire is the one truly under egoless inspiration to rule, and if the three kings will now represent ‘kings of the Holy Spirit’, being the third in the Holy Trinity, then this means the head of the C.I.A. who then became president who secretly oppresses the whole earth is Bush Senior that assassinated John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King whose last name is king. But since the C.I.A. has super computers that have no doubt deciphered the Bible Code, Bush had probably seen something he did not like, and definitely ordered the death of David Koresh, whose rebirth shall be the king of all nations.]
[Now do you see why God revealed himself to Moses as a burning bush not consumed by the flames? God wants to burn bush for burning his true chosen one; David Koresh, who WAS consumed in the flames.] He will speak against the Supreme God and oppress God’s People. He will try to change their religious laws and festivals, and God’s people will be under his power for three and a half years. [Three and a half years is during the work of the Holy Spirit in progress. This written work right here as living testimony that the collective unconscious knows all. Bush is oppressing us.] Then the heavenly court will sit in judgment, take away his power, and destroy him completely. The power and greatness of all the kingdoms on earth will be given to the people of the Supreme God. Their royal power will never end, and all rulers on earth will serve and obey them.”
This is the end of the account. I was so frightened that I turned pale, and I kept everything to myself. [And this concludes Daniel 7. Daniel's last words on it are equal to mine. Please don’t kill me, Bush; save the world with 0 emission electric cars. And by God, I will stop you from killing Obama, the 8th king who goes to his perdition… Let’s prosecute Bush in a federal class action suit, everyone now, with this site as exhibit A; the seven seals. I call Al Gore to the stand, Bill Clinton to the stand, Bev Harris to the stand, David Thibodaeu to the stand and each of their own sources as witness items, and finally I call Both former presidents, George Bush and Bush Senior.]
Then the Lamb broke open the fourth seal, and I heard the fourth living creature say, "Come!" I looked, and there was a pale-colored horse. It's rider was called death, and the world of the dead followed close behind. They were given authority over one fourth of the earth, to kill by means of war, famine, disease, and wild animals. (Revelation 6:7;8)
[The number 4 represents justice, so Obama having authority over one fourth of the earth means whatever damage he will do as president will be motivated by justice... Perhaps a nuclear retaliation? If so, this will be reason enough for God to end the world. Alternatively the number 4 biblically represents that which is world wide, so it probably just represents the power Obama has as president. But if death follows close behind, then you better be careful, Barack Obama. Wild animals are next, in everyone's back yard. And Bush has the power to get you, and I want to stop it.]
Then the fourth angel blew his trumpet. A third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that their light lost a third of its brightness; there was no light for a third of the day and a third of the night also. (Revelation 7:12)
[This is referring back to Ecclesiastes 12. The sun, the moon and the stars are darkened. This is when everything looses its luster for a person, when all that glitters refuses to shine for you. And this is when you begin to pay for each of your sins. It is the natural consequence of missing the mark of truth and righteousness. It always comes when you least expect it, forcing you to ask, "Why?" And so here you are; now you know why. But in this case it is one third of the sun, the moon and the stars that are darkened; so all you Christians out there, you are all about to pay for your every sin; time to repent is long over due.]
[This is where we are now. Coming up next is the fourth bowl.]
Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was allowed to burn people with its fiery heat. They were burned by the fierce heat, and they cursed the name of God, who has authority over these plagues. But they would not turn from their sins and praise His greatness. (Revelation 16:8;9)
[It certainly is getting hotter every year; it’s hard to believe this prophecy is still a future event. We must be about to be burned by the sun really bad. And I will leave this written just like it is as proof that I have foretold all this ahead of time, just as I have foretold our future president Obama ahead of time.]
Then the Lamb broke open the fifth seal. I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been killed because they had proclaimed God's word and had been faithful in their witnessing. They shouted in a loud voice, "Almighty Lord holy and true! How long will it be until you judge the people on earth and punish them for killing us?" Each was given a white robe, and was told to rest a little while longer, until the complete number of their fellow servants and brothers were killed, as they had been. (Revelation 9:10;11)
[This fifth seal is obviously referring to the remaining Branch Davidians, the students of the seven seals. I for one hope they live a good long life. They deserve your appreciation for what they have learned and went through. We should all bow down to them in the utmost humility.]
Then I looked, and I heard an eagle that was flying high in the air say in a loud voice, "O horror! Horror! How horrible it will be for all who live on the earth when the sound comes from the trumpets that the other three angels must blow. (Revelation 8:13)
[From here on out, the whole secret government stinks all the way to the Whitehouse with crime and its miracles of deceit. And we worship what we see on TV. You have already seen for yourself how kind the Lord is. Do you want to know why He's angry? See seals 5, 6, and 7. That is what you’ve done to the Lamb in Waco 1993.]
Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet. I saw a star which had fallen down to the earth, and it was given the key to the abyss. The star opened the abyss, and smoke poured out of it, like the smoke from a large furnace; the sunlight and the air were darkened by the smoke from the abyss. Locusts came down out of the smoke upon the earth, and they were given the same kind of power that scorpions have. They were told not to harm the grass or the trees or any other plant; they could harm only the people who did not have the mark of God’s seal on their foreheads. The locusts were not allowed to kill these people, but only to torture them for five months. The pain caused by the torture is like the pain caused by a scorpion’s sting. During those five months they will seek death, but will not find it; they will want to die, but death will flee from them. (Revelation 9:1-6)
[Five represents a marriage, as in the marriage of the Lamb, which is the advent of His death.]
The locusts looked like horses ready for battle; on their heads they had what seemed to be crowns of gold, and their faces were like men’s faces. Their hair was like women’s hair, their teeth were like lions’ teeth. Their chests were covered with what looked like iron breastplates, and the sound made by their wings was like the noise of many horse drawn chariots rushing into battle. They have tails and stings like those of a scorpion, and it is with their tails that they have the power to hurt people for five months. They have a king ruling over them, who is the angel in charge of the abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon; in Greek the name is Apollyon (meaning “The Destroyer”). (Revelation 9:7-11)
[Remember how in Daniel Greece was used to represent the ideology of democracy in the U.N.? Well, now his name in Greek is Apollyon, meaning, the destroyer, meaning the destroyer of democracy. The Bush family cheated Al Gore out of the presidency. The locusts with crowns of gold on their heads were the men in helicopters under the secret authority of GEORGE BUSH SENIOR. (I demand everyone bring charges against the Bush family if anything should happen to me.) The abyss is the source of deep spiritual darkness; it is simply of not knowing or not even having the ability to recognize the truth, which would be of the light.]
The first horror is over; after this there are still two more horrors to come. (Revelation 9:12)
Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast. Darkness fell over the beast’s kingdom, and people bit their tongues because of their pain, and they cursed the God of heaven for their pains and sores. But they did not turn from their evil ways. (Revelation 16:10-11)
And I saw the Lamb break open the sixth seal. There was a violent earthquake, and the sun became black like coarse black cloth, and the moon turned completely red like blood. The stars fell down to the earth, like unripe figs falling from the tree when a strong wind shakes it. The sky disappeared like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place. Then the kings of the earth, the rulers and the military chiefs, the rich and the powerful, and all other men, slave and free, hid themselves in caves and under rocks on the mountains. They called out to the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the eyes of the one who sits on the throne and from the anger of the Lamb! The terrible day of their anger is here, and who can stand up against it? (Revelation 6:12-17)
[If the sun, the moon, the stars are darkened for a person about to pay for his sins, then this is just over kill, which only proves biblically, none the less, the Branch Davidians were innocent of all the charges. This is the truth of all prophecy being obscured like a scroll rolling up so that no one can see its light when Mt. Carmel went up in flames. People crawled into their buildings and sarcastically said, "Okay, fall on us. If this is the terrible day of the Lord's anger, then who can stand?"]
Then the sixth angel blew his trumpet. I heard a voice coming from the four corners of the gold altar standing before God. The voice said to the sixth angel, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great Euphrates River!” The four angels were released, for this very hour of this very day of this very month and year they had been kept ready to kill a third of all mankind. I was told the number of the mounted troops: it was two hundred million. And In my vision I saw the horses and their riders: they had breastplates red as fire, blue as sapphire, and yellow as sulfur. The horses’ heads were like lions’ heads, and from their mouths came out fire, smoke and sulfur. A third of mankind was killed by those three plagues: the fire, the smoke, and the sulfur coming out of the horses’ mouths. For the power of the horses is in their mouths and also in their tails. Their tails are like snakes with heads, and they use them to hurt people. (Revelation 9:13-19)
[Their breastplates would have been written red, white and blue, but all this proves the ATF were not worthy of white. Snakes represent betrayal in a dream, and let's face it, dream symbolism is the language of God. The betrayal was the men who shot the burning teargas knowing it would ignite the CS gas being pumped in by tanks, and as it burned the place down the burning CS gas became cyanide. They shot these burning canisters at the Davidians from behind the tanks while they were under the influence of pills that cause them to not show up on thermal imagery (I've read about those in TIME magazine I think.)]
The rest of mankind, all those who had not been killed by these plagues, did not turn away from what they themselves had made. They did not stop worshiping demons, nor the idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood, which cannot see, hear, or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic, their sexual immorality, or their stealing. (Revelation 9:20-21)
[You don't think you worship idols? How important is that cell phone to you? Do you not allow it to control your life at all?]
Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great Euphrates River. The river dried up, to provide a way for the kings who come from the east. Then I saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs. They were coming out of the mouth of the dragon, the mouth of the beast, and the mouth of the false prophet. (Revelation 16:12;13)
[The great Euphrates River is a river that runs under Babylon; in other words, the forces of Babylon. Water in a dream is an unconscious flow to your consciousness and the river is how you spit it out in your actions and words, affecting the course of your life. Frogs represent 'changing' in a dream, because they are amphibians, in this case changing the truth (lying). Mark Breault is who that false prophet was. He started the lies against David Koresh. The beast is the authority of our country, and the dragon is the ego element that made them spread the lies. All the world worships the ego.]
They are the spirits of demons that, perform miracles. These three spirits go out to all the kings of the world, to bring them together for the battle on the great Day of Almighty God.
“Listen! I am coming like a thief! Happy is he who stays awake and guards his clothes, so that he will not walk around naked and be ashamed in public!”
Then the spirits brought the kings together in the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon. (Revelation 16:14-16) [The word Armageddon means to uncover, as in the Revelation of Christ; like it or not, David Koresh was Christ.]
The Seventh Seal
When the Lamb broke open the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. Then I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and they were given seven trumpets. Another angel, who had a gold incense container, came and stood at the altar. He was given a lot of incense to add to the prayers of all God’s people and to offer it on the gold altar that stands before the throne. The smoke of the burning incense went up with the prayers of God’s people from the hands of the angel standing before God. Then the angel took the incense container, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it on the earth. There were rumblings and peals of thunder, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake. (Revelation 8:1-5)
Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The power to rule over the world belongs now to our Lord and his Messiah, and he will rule forever and ever!” Then the twenty-four elders who sit on their thrones in front of God threw themselves face downward and worshiped God, saying:
Lord God Almighty, the one who is and who was! We thank you that you have taken your great power and have begun to rule! The heathen were filled with rage, because the time for your anger has come, the time for the dead to be judged. The time has come to reward your servants, the prophets, and all your people, all who have reverence for you, great and small alike. The time has come to destroy those who destroy the earth!”
God’s temple in heaven was opened, and the Covenant Box was seen there. Then there were flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail. (Revelation 11:15-19)
Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl in the air. A loud voice came from the throne in the temple, saying, “It is done!” There were flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder, and a terrible earthquake. There has never been such an earthquake since the creation of man; this was the worst earthquake of all! The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of all countries were destroyed. God remembered great Babylon and made her drink the wine from his cup--the wine of his furious anger. All the islands disappeared, all the mountains vanished. Huge hailstones, each weighing as much as a hundred pounds, fell from the sky on people, who cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because it was such a terrible plague. (Revelation 16:17-21)
[Huge hailstones, each weighing as much as a hundred pounds is only possible in an ice-age. Do you know the oil companies want to go ahead and have the next ice-age? I mean, what are we going to do about it? All we need is 90% of all vehicles to be electric cars, this does not even mean truckers and long distance travelers need to change at all. The technology already exists. What are they thinking? They actually think they can survive the ice-age as long as they own all the oil. Their dead bodies is what will produce the next world’s oil. And they are planning to kill Barack Obama over all this one day. Obama, don't let them kill you now that you know you can actually save the world.]
[All this started for me wanting to write a novel, and my preface became this whole site. It's funny, that it's me, but these are some serious issues. What can I do? God reveals the Truth to me little by little, then I hear David Koresh’s voice saying, "Can you hear me? Then take it down!" He was saying this because he said he wanted to write the seals. Faced with that, what would you do? The first time I heard this voice say that I tried to understand why; isn’t it too big a risk not to publish this? I had an itch I was scratching and when I recalled the line, "My right hand will teach you terrible things," I suddenly ripped a big gaping hole in my flesh that I can see into, like ripping a hole in a roasted chicken breast. I've never been so scared before in my life. I could feel it and everything. And just like that I looked and it was back to normal. So I decided that had to be the devil tormenting me, and not for going against Christ, but for doing what I'm trying to do, helping to save as many people as I can. I'm following only Christ's doctrine, for He is the spirit of prophecy, and I've been called to it ever since I can remember. So I kneel before you all as human beings… Am I doing right? Or am I doing wrong?]
Oliver Christian Oyanadel
0 emission electric cars for everyone, make it happen… I think that is well enough a merciful sentence. [and bang the gavel.]Isaiah 42
Israel is the Lord’s Witness
God says, “Summon my people to court. They have eyes, but they are blind; they have ears, but they are deaf! Summon the nations to come to the trial. Which of their gods can predict the future? Which of them foretold what is happening now? Let these gods bring in their witnesses to prove that they are right, to testify to the truth of their words.
“People of Israel, you are my witnesses; I chose you to be my servant, so that you would know me and believe in me and understand that I am the only God. Besides me there is no other god; there never was and never will be.
“I alone am the Lord, the only one who can save you. I predicted what would happen, and then I came to your aid. No foreign god has ever done this; you are my witnesses. I am God and always will be. No one can escape from my power; no one can change what I do.”

David Koresh's Seven Seals Teaching

James Trimm

David Koresh taught that there had been various gospels throughout time (Seven Seals Manuscript, p. 6, Koresh). He also taught that the Spirit or Mind of God had been offered to man at various times in various ways. One of these was the giving of prophets which comprise the Old Testament (Livingstone Fagan Interview, 7-24-93, pp. 17-18). (This is seen as being pictured in Ezekiel 2:9-3:7).

When God's offering of the Spirit was rejected, another expression of the Thought or Spirit was given in the flesh as Jesus Christ (Ibid., p. 10). Jesus is seen making this offer in Matthew 16:19 and 18:18 where the keys are seen as "binding or loosing" the seven seals. Koresh taught that when Jesus Christ was rejected another plan of salvation due to man's ignorance was enacted when Christ said "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34) (Ibid., pp. 15, 17-19). After making this statement, that Spirit which Jesus Christ offered was commended into the hands of the Father (Luke 23:46) (Ibid., p. 8).

Based on 1 Peter 1:3-5, David Koresh taught, that in the last days another new plan of salvation would be revealed (Seven Seals Manuscript, p. 6).

Since the Spirit, or Mind of God which was offered to man had been commended to the hands of the Father, then it must be asked, what is in the Fathers hands? In Revelation 5:1 the Father has a book sealed with seven seals in his right hand, so this must be that same Mind of God (Fagan Interview, pp. 8, 10). Koresh believed that it was significant that Christ/the Lamb in the Heavenly Sanctuary was able to do something at the right hand of the throne because of his having been slain (Revelation 5; Hebrews 8 and 9). In Revelation 5 he is opening the seals, and in Hebrews 8 and 9 he is becoming mediator of the New Covenant, thus the New Covenant, Koresh taught, is a newly revealed plan of salvation as the Mind of God is offered to man through the Seven Seals (Seven Seals Manuscript, p. 6).

According to Koresh, when the Lamb comes he comes with his "reward" (Revelation 22:12) not our reward. This reward is the Lamb's reward - what the Lamb was worthy of for having been slain. It is the only reward the Lamb receives in Revelation and is, according to Koresh, the Seven Sealed book (based on Revelation 5).

Koresh further supports these claims with Isaiah 40:10 and 62:11 (Fagan Interview, pp. 9; 30; Second KRLD announcement; 58 min. message). Now according to Koresh, based on Revelation 10:7, his seventh angels message is the contents of this sealed book (see Revelation 10 inclusive) (30 second KRLD announcement; "Divided We Stand - Divided We Fall," by David Koresh). And since only the Lamb can open these seals (Revelation 5) and it is the Lamb who brings his reward (Revelation 22:12) Koresh must be the Lamb (Fagan Interview, pp. 11, 22).

The First Seal

The first seal (Revelation 6:1-2) according to Koresh, is The Marriage of the Lamb. Koresh said the key to this seal is Psalm 45 and is the same event as Revelation 19. Koresh taught that this seal depicts the marriage of the Lamb to the Holy Spirit ("Eden to Eden," Seven Seals Manuscript). He derived this concept from the teachings of his predecessors.

Lois Roden taught that the woman in Revelation 12:1 was Eve and that she was created in the image of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the woman of Revelation 12:1 also represents the Holy Spirit (By His Spirit... "Behold Thy Mother," p. 6). She further identified the Holy Spirit as the "bride" of Revelation 19 (Ibid., pp. 7-8).

Victor Houteff, founder of the Davidians Seventh-Day Adventist Association, taught that the man on the white horse in Revelation 6:2 was Adam (Tract 15, pp. 39-41). Now Christ is the second Adam. This individual is then wedded to Eve (Revelation 19:7-11).

The Marriage of the Lamb, then, is revealing that Koresh is obtaining unity with the Godhead. Those with him in Revelation 19:14 are also on white horses and also dressed in marriage garments. So, they must be about to obtain unity with the Godhead too. Thus the first seal, the marriage of the Lamb, reveals that those who believe that David Koresh is the Christ and accept the Seven Seals will obtain unity with the Godhead.

The Second Seal

The key to the second seal (Revelation 6:3-4) is found in Zechariah 1:8-11 and 6:1-8 and is also depicted in such places as Ezekiel 9 and Revelation 7 and Revelation 19. In this seal, God makes war with man and kills all who do not have the seal (those who have rejected Koresh's message) (Revelation 7 and Ezekiel 9).

The Third Seal

The key to this seal is Hosea 3; 12:7. In this seal there is a merchant offering something. That something, according to Koresh, has to do with paying for a marriage (Hosea 3). This deal has a very high price which does not seem fair to the ways of man, thus the merchant has "deceitful scales" (Hosea 12:7) and appears to be charging an outrageous price (Revelation 6:5-6). This is also the topic of the parable of the Pearl of Great Price (Matthew 13:45-46). What is offered is the first Seal (the marriage of the Lamb). The alternative is the second Seal. This merchant offers the Seven Seals, but one must be willing to pay a very high price. The price is one's self, which leads into the fourth seal, Death (Revelation 6:7-8).

The Fourth Seal

The fourth seal (Revelation 6:7-8) is Death, and the grave follows after it. The language of this seal given in Revelation 6:8 refers back to Ezekiel 5:12, 17. This section of Ezekiel (Chapters 4 and 5) describes the siege on Jerusalem by Babylon. To the Branch Davidians, Jerusalem here refers to Mt. Carmel, and Babylon refers to the world. To the Branch Davidians, this siege is the one which began on 28 February 1993 at Mt. Carmel and lasted 51 days. Brad Branch, one of the Branch Davidians who exited Mt. Carmel, said that in his final, private, Bible study Koresh claimed the Mt. Carmel standoff was also the siege described in Zechariah 14:2. Koresh said those like Branch who left were those who "shall go into captivity" (Zechariah 14:2). Koresh also told Branch that the "chariots" that "come with flaming torches" in Nahum 2:3-4 were the tanks outside.

The Branch Davidians see these events as a microcosm of a final battle between the kingdoms of men and the Kingdom of God. They expect literal Jerusalem to be attacked in a similar battle shortly before the coming of God and the return of the Lamb (Koresh).

The Fifth Seal

The fifth seal (Revelation 6:9-11) reveals the souls under the altar. These are those who died under the fourth seal. They are wearing white robes. Their numbers are being added to and will have a specific number when completed (v. 11). It is apparent that they are the 144,000 (Revelation 7 and 14) and are the ones who are at the marriage of the Lamb in Revelation 19. The 144,000 are called the "first fruits" (Revelation 14:4). They are divided into two parts, the initial group of Seal four, and those added to them. The Branch Davidians call the initial group the "wave sheaf." This is because there are two first fruits offerings in the feasts of Israel. The first is the "wave sheaf" made during Passover. The second is the "wave loaf" made during Pentecost.

To the Branch Davidians the fifth seal is a waiting period of 3 1/2 years from the death of the fourth seal (19 April 1993) to the judgment of the sixth seal. A major key to this seal is Psalm 74 obtained in an interview with Livingstone Fagan in March of 1993 (before the fire of April 19th). In Psalm 74 individuals are, like those in Revelation 6:9-11, asking how long God will wait before making judgment. In Psalm 74 we are told that the sanctuary and meeting places of God had been burned to the ground (v. 7-8) that their "signs" (the Branch Davidian banner) were no longer seen, and that their prophet (Koresh) is no longer with them (v. 9). But judgment will come from the right hand of God (v. 11) and God will take vengeance. This hand, of course, contains the Seven Sealed book (Revelation 5:1). Thus, by October 1996, the Davidians foresee the Second Coming of Koresh and the final judgment of the world.

The Sixth Seal

The sixth seal (Revelation 6:12-7:17) involves cosmic disturbances associated with the return of the Lamb, and the coming of the day of Judgment. There are several Keys to this seal, Joel 2; Isaiah 13; Habakkuk. 3; Ecclesiastes 12 & Psalm 139 (Compare also Matthew 24:29-31). According to Koresh, the sun would be darkened because it would be eclipsed by the Merkabah (mobile throne pictured in Ezekiel 1).
The Seventh Seal

The seventh seal (Revelation 8:1) is the "new song" which the 144,000 have learned (Rv. 14:3) from the messianic figure in Psalm 40 (Ps. 40:3) and is identified with the song of Moses (Deuteronomy 32) and relates to the Kingdom to come. Koresh told his followers that they would not fully understand this seal until his return. Katherine Matson (who had been Lois Roden's secretary) says that the seventh seal brings us full circle back to the first, so that if one receives the first seal, he is part of the 144,000.

part A,

part B,

Burning Bush
Don't Take Time To Identify With Your Thoughts
One Free 0 Emission Electric Car For Each Household
Before 2011 And A Half
It’s the way of the world; it is the ego people worship; it is the dragon.

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About Me And You

  I posted the following on the Mt. Carmel Discussion Board and I was immediately kicked off their site and they blocked all my videos from playing, and whats more, is the administrator lied about it...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Jul 2009 23:40:00 GMT

You're staring at the sea of glass.

Revelation 4Worship in HeavenAt this point I had another vision and saw an open door in heaven.And the voice that sounded like a trumpet, which I had heard speaking to me before, said, Come up here, ...
Posted by on Tue, 26 May 2009 19:13:00 GMT

This Message Is World Wide

[I have discovered that when you translate this page the order of everything is placed wrong so that my message will be misinterpreted. You can blame that on the USA, my home and my government. Some w...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Mar 2009 07:37:00 GMT

So what do we do about it?

All of you have to pull together and throw down George Bush senior's secret throne of the secret government of the United States[In response to Bill Maher's question on the Daily Show, "What's the dif...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Dec 2008 17:28:00 GMT

Going Green In Prophecy (Dont Be a Leodicean)

Ezekiel might not have meant his prophecy to be taken this way, but God is so amazing, through Ezekiel we see a vision of modern times--and even our own near future technology. In case there is any do...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Dec 2008 22:19:00 GMT


Just the simple fact that Bev Harris does not have every one of those voter memory cards is proof enough the Bush family cheated for Obama to win, just as I have been predicting since he first threw h...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Dec 2008 02:28:00 GMT

Original Sin / Joseph Campbell was incomplete

.. How can some dream symbols have the same meaning for all different people if we were not connected in some way?          "Ohhh! THAT'S God!" I said as I woke myself up from a...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 10:11:00 GMT


Posted by on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 08:03:00 GMT


Posted by on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 03:43:00 GMT

A prayer on Oct 12 Shabbat 5769; 2008

How do I say this? I love Jews, since before I knew the word, I have been head over heals enamored with everything Jewish; the art, the music, the people, the Torah, the angels of prophecy. And who ha...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Oct 2008 23:08:00 GMT