-"Woe be unto him who opens one of the gateways to Hell, because through that gateway, evil will invade the world." -The Beyond (1981)
-*DISCLAIMER* We try to be openminded and accept that people are who they are so whatever. (I think we even have retrothrash bands in our list) BUT there are some things we cannot overlook. Just keep in mind from here on out, if you are in or like these things: Retrothrash, numetal, deathcore, metalcore, screamo, or emo WE WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR ADD REQUEST! This includes you scene guys who think you are "brutal" but insist on wearing your sisters pants, gauging your ears, and cutting your hair like a fag, and kids who through the magic of google have discovered the roots of heavy metal and thus think that dressing and acting like you where born in the years 1968-1984 is cool. Just keep this in mind when adding us, thanks.