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About Me

Im Cody Bronson, I tend enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Such things as Playing games, attending concerts, anything to do with cars, sexy time, hanging out with friends, and just being fucking awesome. Why am I so awesome you may ask? Cause im relentless on life. I attack what I want and give up what I dont want. I never give up on anything, no matter how big or small my goal is. Very little has and ever will stand in my way of achieving what I want. My mind is grounded solid like cement. I have been through much in my short life and never once has the idea of giving up been a thought. A hollow mind is never an option for me. I live to be strong, I survive because I am strong, In all physical, mental, and emotional aspects, Im strong. I dont belive in regret, you do everything at the time for a purpose. I call that living in the moment. Living in the moment can be a painfull thing. Even though planing for the future isnt a bad thing, just remember how twisted life is. Who is to create a 5 year plan and die tomorow? Do you know? If this makes you sad then you need to get a grip on reality. Being sad is just your mind being weak, your thoughts supressing the inevitable. Get over it. I dont like people because they wish for me to reward there weakness with pity. Though understanding and compassionate I dont care about the bad things in your life. No one has a perfect life. Get over yourself. Your nothing special and neither am I. I was sculpted into the person I am today due to my shitty upbringing, which I wouldnt change for the world, simply because I love who I am. I embrace everything about myself. I use every tool given to me to my advantage. I will never lessen who I am show a smaller side of me to make anyone feel better. Get real, square your shoulders. Ready yourself for the worse and life will become a glorious adventure full of great turns. I never hurt anyone without reason or purpose. I never display my anger physically. Nobody is worth going to jail for. I dont care who you are or what you have done to me. I dont harm people, I banish them from my life. Makes everything easier. Im more then capable of dealing with people, however when a compromise is not the option, forgetting is the best course of action. I have always been here to help family and friends and even people I dont like. Its my nature to protect and lead by example. If you cant embrace something good then you need to quit life. Im an ex-army soldier, who is geared for high speed. A lot of what I appreciate today came from the military. I work out all the time not to better myself, just to earn my peace from this hostile world. I believe a strong body is key to a confident mind, and confidence is the most essential tool to achieving what you want in life. Some may think im cocky or over confident. Think what you want, I know who I am. I am a jack of all trades cause I never give up on myself. Some people may think im not very intelligent. So I cant spell every word in the dictionary, FUCK YOU. So my grammar may not be perfect, FUCK YOU. I have an IQ of 103 which is above average, just my mind functions more towards logic then common knowledge. Any of my close friends can tell you about my intelligence. Unique but def. not absent. Perfection is simply a game made up by in-secure individuals. If you strive to be perefect (perfectionist) Guess what? Your the biggest fucking failure of all. Ever think of it that way?. Its hard to help people who cant help themeselves.Knowing yourself, other wise known as being "enlightened", I believe is a critical instrument in taking your life and emotions into your own hands. To a certain extent ofcourse. Beter understanding yourself will ultimatley help you make better decisions to better create a ,more satisfying life for yourself. The proposal of all things The existance of consiousness Our material worlds The true nature of real substance Existance in real time Kymatica The sole reason we are aware, and exist as a whole.In nature all that we percieve with our five senses is a result of two fundemental princaples. Everything in existance is made up of a relationship between vibration and matter. Vibration and matter. Vibration is a masculine creative force countered by matter, which is a feminine receptive force. Thus begins the principle of duality. We see this duality in ancient myths and philosophies, yet only these philosophies and scriptures were raped and perverted of their original meaning giving the impression that one polarity is good while the other is evil. The original Sages, Adepts, and Shamans taught that both are necessary and one would not exist without the other. These two important principles come together to form all things in the universe. This is Kymatica Even language, logos, the communication of any and all things in nature depends upon this principle.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet people who are freakin awesome. Even though I know a bunch of people who freakin roK.

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