Toys Arent Us (recording) profile picture

Toys Arent Us (recording)

About Me

We started in South Australia when we were each 3 8/76 years old. From then on we've just been playing around. We decided to move to the States 'cause our evil ruler Hugo de Luislongweiner outlawed the ability to rock so obviously we had to move. We later moved to North-Eastern India where we learned how to play the sitar. We have traveled many places but the most significant of all was Israel where they thought us to play the legendary Jew Harp talked about across the nation. Another was to Africa where we learned to play the YlikeOlisoliYoooiejOlWqZxlij:KlsdoihGkouhjelj (pronounced whistle-click-whistle-whistle-click-click.)We have changed our name's a lot we started out as The Pioneers of the Southern Part of Australia, but that was to long. We then changed our name to The Pelvis Hitchcocks, but that didn't work out very well. We later realized that we were lacking in the Hispanic listener department so we changed our names to The Leaders of the Bean People, but that didn't go over very well. So for a while we changed our names to The Enemy of Luislongweiner but no one got the reference so we changed our names to If You Go Down To Look For a Pen You Will Be Sourly Mistaken, that was when we went though our LSD phase.After that we came to America to get the finest of drug rehab centers. We got clean in two days and left. We also changed our names to MasterCard Gold, and that is when we became Gold Members. Our Mexican audience was extremely lacking since the the steak outage of '94. That is then what we changed our name to: The Steak Outage of '94. It went over kind of well but they didn't understand our lyric because they were all in Australian. We later took some Mexican lessons. Once we learned the language we finally changed our name to the El Escuchin Brothers.We later realized that we were rebels and not of mexican decent, so we changed our name to Toys Aren't Us just cause we're rebels. One thing we also realized was that we needed more than two people in a band. So we went looking for a legit durmer that would help us on our journy thru the land of rock. We were looking for a specific type of drummer that would not go crazy all the time, not drink much red bull, and one that had a name that started with anything but an A. Our durmmer's name is Alec, he just sometimes goes crazy, and he drinks a lot of red bull. We have gone through many other members, maddy, jake, zach for a short time. Now we go a bassist, Travis.

My Interests


Member Since: 08/12/2007
Band Members: BRETT: Vocals, Guitar, Piano, Harmonica, BassJORDAN: Guitar, Bass, Mandolin, Backing Vocals,ALEC: Drums, Backing Vocals, BassTRAVIS: Bass, Guitar, Backing VocalsKATRINA/EMILY- Band managersMICHAEL- Session MusicianNICK- Band chefJACOB- Band friend
Influences: Is something not nothing but is anything everything?
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Sounds Like: music
Record Label: Sick Panda Records
Type of Label: Indie

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