So you want to find out a bit about me? Well, I will try and do the best I can. I am 31, female, and am told by others I am a very caring and intelligent person. I love nature, and I love space, I'm a very spiritual person, and I believe there is more out there than we can currently see. I am still learning how to discover it. Life is one long journey and we must do our best to make the most of it. We have more capabilities to learn and to love than we give ourselves credit for. Patience is a very important aspect in this journey.My thoughts:
Aliens on Earth. Am I one of them?
There are probably hundreds, if not thousands of people who are "alien" on this earth. Or indeed their souls are. The human existence by all accounts is a very short-lived one when you consider that other life on other planets lasts much longer, but having said that, humans in general have a longer life expectancy than say, 20/30 years ago for example. Many reach 90/100 nowadays, where-as years ago, ages of 70/80 was long enough expectancy. This is the result of the human evolution and technology. However, I believe re-incarnation into another form, whether its human or not, happens over and over again. The soul remains forever.I think that evolved beings (Extraterrestrials from other planets) live a lot longer. Thousands of "Earth years to them could be a blink of an eye, to a grey, or any other such extra biological entity. Thirty "Earth" years would be such a short time, it must be like mere minutes to them, because of the different dimensional systems, and time systems all over the galaxy/universe. I can't say or admit I know everything about the dimensions of all the hundreds of galaxies out there, but I can be 99% sure that they are all different for many reasons, and other life-forms/beings have different time-structures/calendars that they adhere to, so a thousand years on this planet might only be a year to them on their planet, for instance. This kind of information is very vague, but its information that I am still picking up, and piecing together through many years of contact, and the visions I have. I believe that my soul is what is more "alien" than my physical self... I was born human the same as everyone else. However, I do get the notion I had made an agreement with "them", before the birth process process ever began. I think many people may have been through that experience. It is mainly information which I have received from contact/dreams etc. I guess I have only recently begun to integrate all this into my daily life. Anyway, it all probably sounds strange to you, but if you believe in the possibilities of other dimensions/other life/planets etc, all I have said is very feasible.Its difficult for some of us to believe that Earth is the only planet harbouring life. It would be extremely selfish, and egotistical to believe that is the case. With so much space out there...what would be the point?
Are our world leaders aliens?
Well, I personally don't believe that Bush, or any other world leaders are actually aliens... Well, at least, they are not evolved, or as intelligent in the sense that you would expect/hope them to be... they are definitely human, and I don't believe that they actually "control" this planet, anyway... I think that there are some evil forces who are behind people like Bush, and Blair. Whether those forces are alien, or not, is questionable. Some like to think that they are, and if they indeed are, then they must be a very evil race indeed...because they are destroying this world, day by day, and making it harder for us, as a race, to live in it. Factors like the wars, and poverty, and the rate of inflation, and possible weather-modification, and constant media-input/propaganda to the masses suggests to me that there is something dreadfully wrong.
2012: Year of doom?
I think that there will be a big shift of some kind. I can't say what exactly, but there will be a change. Many lives may be lost, but the planet itself, I believe, will benefit, and start over. But who really knows exactly what will happen? It's something that we all need to prepare for one way or another. But it doesnt mean we have to all be scared. If I were you, I would not dwell on it, because it would make you miserable thinking about what might be, or what might never be. In other words, enjoy your life as it is now. Dont worry about the future in that way. I don't, and I wouldnt. Evolution of the human race is inevitable. We are already seeing signs of it. Starchildren, Indigo, and crystal children already exist here, and they have the good of mankind as a priority in their mission, They are here for a reason, and that reason is for the benefit of this planet. There will be mny more of these special people as time goes on.
Should Extraterrestrials be accepted on Earth?
I don't suggest that everyone be happy when "aliens" turn up on Earth...many believe that they are all evil beings, (according to all the sci-fi films/books we read), and want to destroy the planet. Thats just a human perception of other life forms...or of anyone/anything different. Its how popular culture makes you think Its the media which instil these beliefs you have about extraterrestrials.It's much the same as when you get foreigners from other religions/countries come and stay in your own country...whilst some people accept them, and befriend them, other people will reject them try to hurt them etc. Those people, I suppose have been brought up very single minded, and are not prepared culturally to accept them. Same goes for life off the earth. It will be much harder to accept "aliens" because they look different. But in the grand scheme of things its no different than being apprehensive of the "new kid" who has just started at your school, is it? He just might turn out to be your best friend!
Religion and God?
I personally have nothing against people who are religious, each is allowed their own faith, its their right. I am not "religious", myself...but I do strongly believe that there is a force who made, and controls the universe (and beyond), and has the ultimate say in when its destroyed or re-made. We are just a speck of dust in the whole cosmos. Fate is where it's at, in my opinion. As for my beliefs...I beleive in myself, and those I regard my closest friends.
Conclusion: I must be "Alien"
Well...those are the things that I believe in and stand for. I guess I am very open minded about all these things. There are not many people who feel the same as I do, when these subjects about my outlook on life/love/the universe are talked about. They are very different in their opinions/beliefs than I am. ^^ That is what makes me "alien"... :)
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