My name is Lilly, i am an artist/illustrator from Australia. I live in Germany with my husband & fellow artist, Heiko ! Jacky Winter is my illustration representative. (you can see my drawings on my website, or the few i have posted below)
Ich heiße Lilly und komme aus Australien. Ich bin eine Illustratorin/Künstlerin und wohne in Deutschland mit meinem Mann, Heiko . Ich werde vertreten von Jacky Winter . Meine Webseite ist
please click for more info!
Poketo Australian series at Robio
The Drawing Room at Thinkspace gallery
'sailors dream'
'number ten'
"Not only does the wind of accident move me at will, but besides, I am moved and disturbed as a result merely of my own unstable posture; and anyone who observes carefully can find himself twice in the same state. I give my soul now one face, now another, according to which direction I turn it. If I speak of myself in different ways, that is because I look at myself different ways. All contradictions may be found in me by some twist and in some fashion. Bashful, insolent; chaste, lascivious; talkative, taciturn; tough, delicate; clever, stupid; surly, affable; lying, truthful; learned, ignorant; liberal, miserly, and prodigal: all this I see in myself to some extent according to how I turn; and whoever studies himself really attentively will find in himself, yes, even in his judgement, this gyration and discord. I have nothing to say about myself absolutely, simply, and solidly, without confusion and without mixture, or in one word (1957, II, p.242)."
- Roy Montaigne.