Pssstt....Don't touch what You can't grab ;$
Hey was up. I'm looking to meet the coolest people on earth. I wanna be around the realest people as possible. People down to earth, and pretty girls that understand that it's more than just the looks. These kinds of people all over the world you're welcome here. So as you're reading this you might be thinking "look at this guy he's trying to be such and such..." well I'm gonna label you FAKE! that's right. But all the real people, you guys know what you're thinking like,,the exact opposite. =) holla at me. .. http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us" .. http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" Hello .. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- MSTableType="layout" --Hello, first off thank You for visiting my page. You'll be glad you did it. Let's speak a bit ABOUT ME! I'm finishing my highschool this year can't wait till the last day. I have 2 college classes that I'm taking. I am also working with my brother trying to understand and experience the fundemental laws of succesful business. Some times things seem hard for me because most of the time I'm at work and I have homework from highschool and college.
These are the 3 main patterns of my life right now. School, College, and Work!
It sounds like a normal thing for a 17 year old student to have a job on the side but I'm not taking this job as working in McDonalds to make some guy rich. I'm putting my energy to make the best results and hoping that someday in near future things will be great.
For every sucess, there must be a cycle of time and things you must do and overcome abstacles in order to achive your goals. Like they say "If you breathe and believe then you can achieve" You cannot wake up one day and have all Your dreams in front of you.
However You can wake up one day face and solve the obstacles you have and get to your goals.
Dreaming big is a major focus of our lives. If one does not have a dream then he is living and not expectin what might come next. No certain destiny. The fact is everyone is possible to create their own dreams that they wish. Nothing can STOP! anyone from dreaming and acomplishing their dreams.
Something that hurts me alot is when people live everyday without even asking themselves what are they doing and why are they doing it. People are forced and told to do things without even noticing it.
Some of the Important factors I believe in and everyone must is Dreaming, as described above. Facing Reality. NOT LIENG to yourself and pretending everything is fine. Pickining yourself up after falling. You cannot stay on the ground if you fall or if someone trips you. I will have blogs on these related topics on my page in near future. Stay tuned!!!
What all this brings to the end is being real. Living reality. Living for yourself. Doing the things that make you happy and stronger. I love people who keep using their energy to keep going instead of wasting it on neggative things.
How could I forge the ladies? It's all about the pretty girls that know it's not only about their looks that catch my attention. Pretty ladies that have more value for themselves then just their perfect bodies. If you're a girl and you're reading this you already know what I'm talking about! =). I love all these chix that show me love. You guys are one of the best genders on earth.=) Down to earth beautiful girls are welcome here all over the world. No matter where you at: china, austrlaia, germany, russia, U.S. you're welcome here. Add me to your friends list and maybe we'll chat! ;)
TO EVERYONE: If you send me a friends request and I request it, drop me a comment so I could know that you're my new friend and then I could send some messages. OR If I send a request to YOU and you accept it also drop me a comment or message me because I'm having tons of people on my list and I can't keep track. I'm not trying to collect comments to look cool, I just wanna make sure that I notice you on my list. thanx for understanding.
If you like what I'm all about then add me on your friends list. I always love meeting alike people like me.I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!