For those of you who don't know, Suzzie died in an automobile accident 4:30AM August 3rd. She and dear friend James were coming home from the beach and a drunk driver hit them head on, he was coming the wrong way on the freeway, they never had a chance. This for all those friends I was unable to reach other ways, and there are MANY. I had no idea how popular my little sis was. Feel free to write me, I am Holly #2 on her friends list with any questions regarding her or anything. My condolences to all, and I will leave you with the last thing my sister wrote on her blackboard in her room before her passing." EVERYTHING IS AS IT SHOULD BE AND ONLY GETTING BETTER "I like most everybody and don't judge anyone, and that gets me into trouble. That and I'm pleasantly and unwittingly oblivious to a lot of things. I, after much self-searching, realized, no, I'm not crazy. I'm just an odd duck. If I'm half as interesting as I think I am sometimes, then I've totally won. Currently, I'm refusing to take anyone, most especially myself, seriously. Also, I'm easily distracted by shiny objects.
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