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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Simple yet contradicting. Easily angered yet quick to forgive but not forget. Affectionate yet find it difficult to express true feelings. Talkative yet reserved. Sympathetic yet harsh. Enjoy alone time yet party animal. Enjoy attention yet appreciates privacy. Enjoy the simple things in life yet love to luxuriate.Love feeling special. Honest. Moody. Sensitive. Appreciative when people show me kindness. Encouraging. Hasty. Dreamer. Generous. Love to laugh and make others laugh. Appreciative. Stubborn. Grateful for all that I have. Easily Contented. Love being spoiled. Loving. Curious. Opinionated. Observant. Wanting to learn constantly from other people and share experiences. Enjoy deep/engaging/contemplative conversations. Gullible. Easily amused. Intelligent. Intuitive. Understanding. Seeking to accomplish much in my life but mostly to be happy and make those around me happy.Hi all, I love life and everything it brings. Have many aspirations in life and am certainly not going to let it pass me by. So much that i want to do, to achieve, places to explore, things to see, things to learn, people to meet. Am currently studying Comm/Arts majoring in Political Science and French, my two loves. I love world politics and being able to study it from all different perspectives. I love all things French and one goal in my life is to study/live in France and come back fluent:] Commerce on the other hand, I find dry and less intellectually stimulating.Absolutely love the industry I'm currently working in, I'm truly in my element:] I love being able to meet so many different people on a daily basis from different backgrounds, cultures, experiences, being able to engage with them in diverse and interesting conversations and learning more and more about the world from all different points of views. I want to do some work with the UN and work in third world countries to open my eyes to the vast differences in the world. I'm going to the UK as soon as I save up enough, and i shall meet my beau over there :] lolWouldn't say I'm your typical girl, sure I love fashion, shopping, clubbing and all the rest but I love my sports as well, love footy soccer and kick boxing. I love things that make you feel alive so live performances and road trips. I love the arts, so cinema, live bands/concerts, paintings, photography etc.I'm really careful about who I let in and get close to because of past experiences. I really can't be bothered with fake people, difficult people and people who like drama and bring drama. Life's too short, I try to live life happy each day and not create unnecessary drama, so don't want to meet people who like to bring others down. I do however want to meet ppl who have strong opinions and can back it up, well rounded and cultured people, ambitious people who have massive goals in life, who are go-getters and can teach me new things!I love having a good time, being crazy and random and not worrying about what other people think. I'm very quite silly most of the time, acting spastic just for a laugh.Life is a great big learning curve, mistakes to be made and lessons learnt, people to meet and people to let go off.. I guess I've come to many realisations of late that has led me to be more wary yet also much more appreciatiative of certain things and people in my life. So just a quick shoutout to the most important people in my life (special mentions to kimi nina and joz) thankyou for sticking by me, looking out for me and being true to me always <3

Myspace Layouts at / Get Out Of My Black N White Layout

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

interesting, free spirited, fun loving people from all corners of the globe that bring intellectually stimulating conversations. ambitious and inspiring people who have big goals in life, entertaining people who make me laugh

My Blog


WHY DO I MEET AND FALL FOR IDIOTS?? blehhhh... i need a nice fella, someone who appreciates me, someone who will take care of me and make me laugh, someone who knows what he wants and will inspire me,...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 08:38:00 GMT

back on track

YAY back at uni today and had my first lecture for International Relations and its Others which has gotten me really excited because the lecturer promises it to be a very provocative unorthodox and ch...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 02:30:00 GMT

make it work

You understand me At least you say you do Lately thats enough for me Looking for perfect Surrounded by artificial You're the closest thing to real i've seen Sure, everyone has their problems, thats a ...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 18:55:00 GMT


okay so i got a little emo over the weekend tehehe my bad! sorry to all those who had to put up with it:) i maybe overreacted a little but as a gf of mine said.. 'in our situation, we need a little ex...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 03:59:00 GMT

one bad week

it's when certain things happen in your life, times when you're most vulnerable, that you realise who is truly there for you and cares for you..i was unsettled and sad at the beginning of the week abo...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 18:22:00 GMT