History is so boring... right?!
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Kings and Queens, this date and that date; what happened in this year or that year...
It's enough to send anybody to sleep...
How boooorrrrriiiiinnnnnngggggg!!!!
But did you know...
* Ancient Egyptians used slabs of stones as pillows.
* People have been wearing glasses for about 700 years.
* In 1920 for the first time in recorded history, the average life expectancy of human beings exceeded that of goldfish!!!. Before that year, a newborn infant could expect to live 48.4 years. For many species of wild goldfish, the projected life span was over 50.
* Louis XIX was King of France from breakfast until tea-time on 2 August 1830, at which point he abdicated.
* The first country to abolish the death sentence was Austria, in 1787.
* The shortest war there has ever been was between Britain and Zanzibar during 1896. It lasted for a pathetic 38 minutes.
* At the height of inflation in Germany in the early 1920s, one U.S. dollar was equal to 4 quintillion German marks!!! That's 1 dollar = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 German Marks!
History is soooooo boring... right?!
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Wrong! History is mental!
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Active History - www.activehistory.co.uk
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