FrOm PtAh profile picture

FrOm PtAh

About Me

As it is so it was that it came to be that Superhero Spirits FROM PTAH, traveling through the deeper cosmology made manifest by the grace of the Waters of Anu. sensing a disturbing dissonance that punctured the divine presence of Ra the superheroes were led to a planet misnamed Earth. On this planet they found a spiritual chaos manifest in the form of the Maalfa, isphet, Caveman Capitalism, Gregorian time and mind manipulation, causing Spirits once proud and upright to crawl on their bellies as beasts. Superhero Spirits came upon a people chosen from the same god given seed as their own, who had forgotten their own names, become distracted by genocidal games, forgotten from whence they came, and existed without destination. Drawing on their Superhero powers of Maat, Ka and ba, using the Appliance of Ancestral Science. reveling in the Feminine Mystic. Adorned with the sacred symbol the Ankh these superheroes walked among the people, talked among the people, and their sprang forth mdw ntr, divine speech, manifest in Spoken word, Rhythm songs, Juju songs, Songs of Mother nature, blue black magic, and the people knew in their hearts it was good. But the Maalfa had grown strong after 500 years of Caveman dominance and great battles commenced. Warrior Ka did battle among the stars, Warrior Ba did battle in the soul, both inspired by the greatest ancestral warrior of all, Heru. And though to mortal eyes it seemed all was lost, those of the deeper truer consciousness blew trumpets and sang forth 'Amazing Grace how sweet the sound', drawing deep from the well that never runs dry, giving libation to Word Sound Power, now is the time, this is the hour. The battle continues.....

My Interests


Member Since: 12/8/2007
Type of Label: Major

My Blog


This discourse is like AIDS It is infection that we crave An infection with no cure, If we remain within this place This institute of learning Morality of disease Which eats away your feet So your leg...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:29:00 GMT

Prophets of the Paint

Their dissonace drifed, Drifted up into space Elders, Elders sent we here From Ptah As shape From the formless came frequency creation
Posted by on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 08:11:00 GMT