So starts the journey of a underground band. Formed in 2005 as an idea, Quick Day Scout has gone through drastic changes. The band started as an idea amongst three friends: Erick Leon, Cj Sayno, and Jordan Prince. The friends agreed to learn an instrument each and to form a full band but early on problems arose. Jordan and Erick, having already bought their instruments, were forced to leave Cj behind. Soon afterwards the two began writing the first song of their musical careers"Im A Fool". Under the guise of "The Liberty" the two began producing songs. Then in 2006 "The Liberty" added a new member: Mick Miles. Mick was thrown into the band with little knowledge of his instrument, the bass guitar. Soon afterward conflict arose and Erick left the band. Jordan and Mick then began writing music acoustic music under the name "Maple Tree Story". After some minor success the band decided that it was time to make a change. The two began looking for a drummer. After three failed attempts, they struck gold. They came across the talented Aaron Natividad. It took only one practice together for QDS to form, but the band still lacked a devoted lead guitarist. After struggles with two potential members, jordan had an unlikely run-in with an old friend, jeff harris. The two talked music (at wet seal) for several minutes and it didn't take long for Jordan to invite jeff into the band. Like a gift from god, jeff fit perfectly into the puzzle and the legend of Quick Day Scout thus began.
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