Life Is Dull... Christmas is Depressing |
Today was a pretty big slosh...........
I was really hoping to see a few people that I didn't end up actually seeing... But hey, we can't win every war.
Another day though... I went home instead of st... Posted by Ben:[[The Bitch]]™ on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 12:16:00 PST |
G-A-Y |
So last night my mom must have been having a bad night... she polished off a bottle of wine by herself before five... Then while she was drunk she confronted me about being gay and I just told her the... Posted by Ben:[[The Bitch]]™ on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 12:14:00 PST |
You Don't Know Love |
You don't know love.You don't even know who you are... And that's too bad.I know now of all things that I don't need your acceptance to be who I am... And although I don't know who I'm going to be I k... Posted by Ben:[[The Bitch]]™ on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 06:13:00 PST |
The Lies |
Why do people all seem to think that they have something to live up to? It's been weighing me down all day and I just can't stand it anymore... This is what I see when I look at you... I fell in love ... Posted by Ben:[[The Bitch]]™ on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 09:05:00 PST |
Bar None... I'm Lonely As Hell |
When I look at everything that has happened in the past couple of weeks I don't know what to say...
Maybe everyone just thinks that I'm crazy... They all think that I wrote them off and stopped talkin... Posted by Ben:[[The Bitch]]™ on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 10:35:00 PST |
Music From The Soul, And For It |
Music is a powerful thing that can affect the way you think, and your mood.
It's amazing that by listening to a song, my whole mood and attitude can change...
Posted by Ben:[[The Bitch]]™ on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 02:21:00 PST |
Do The Changes Really Scare You That Much? |
It's amazing that the people you associate with and consider your friends are the ones that hurt you the most...
Your friends are the people that you share all your secrets with, the ones that you cry... Posted by Ben:[[The Bitch]]™ on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 02:53:00 PST |
It's Just Never Worth It |
So I don't know who knows what as of right now but I do know that Nicole, and Alex are the only ones who know anything about last night...
Me and Jeremy went to the club. And of course that means that... Posted by Ben:[[The Bitch]]™ on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 12:00:00 PST |
All and Nothing For Something Long Lost |
How can anyone stand there and tell me that everything is okay and will change for the better if I just change my outlook? I mean honestly... I believe in love, and know that one day Ill find the pers... Posted by Ben:[[The Bitch]]™ on Wed, 31 May 2006 07:52:00 PST |
The Chain Bulletins |
I am so sick of the chain bulletins on MySpace... For real, they are so annoying and they are starting to piss me off! Why do people do the same quiz/survey over and over again??? Posted by Ben:[[The Bitch]]™ on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 07:24:00 PST |