RaCheL FaCe! profile picture

RaCheL FaCe!

..I'm so cute dammit!!!!!!! .. ....

About Me

well...i lOve the nightlife! DaNcinG,gOing to raVes,Clubs hAviNg fun liStenIng to tHe dJ;s pLaY theIr beAts. IM the oCcaSionaAl roCk and Roll pArTy all niGht loNg tyPe of giRl,i eNjoy meeTing neW and inTereSting peOple who hAve Deep iNteRest in waT theY do. I eNjoy and apPeriCatel aRt and muSic. Im alWaYs up for PreTty much anYthiNg that cUms mY wAy. i loVe to be aMonG mOtheR nAtuRe aNd taKe a sTroll up a moUntAin or doWn by the sAnDy beAcHes! Im a Free MinD anD I am A gOod LiSteneR.PlaYfuL and I HaVE a HiGh spRiT anD ThriVE on MeNtAL StImuLatIon anD aRe AttrAcTEd 2 CreAtiVe souLs.I Have An eneRgY,outgOinG anD FliRty SiDe,whiCh All GemiNis HaVe. I aM thE leAdeR oF mY oWn thoUghts anD Just HAppY 2 b In thE bAckGroUnd cOnteNt WitH mY thOugHts AnD lEt LiFe SlidE bY.

My Interests

LeArNiNg HoW To SpIn ReCoRds!JOE DUPUIS (my kitty),THE WHOLE NEWSTEAM! HaNginG OuT wiTh my faVoriTe ppl,Jay,Toni,Mikey,Mal Mal,JiM,LoUisE,Valerie and Viki(twin power) LovE 4 Ashanti and more loVe 4 My pArTy GirLS in SF,SuNsHiNe AND TaY taY keeping it real.GottA lOvE NicK BoRregO representing THE STATION.My beAuTy ScHoOl GiRls,MeGan,GayLe,& JoSt,are my fav.these ppl are amasing,if u ever get the chance to meet them,youll meet sum of the best ppl.PEACE LOVE UNITY RESPECT!~DislikEs:Uncontrolled FiRe,SnAils,ppl that lie,SeCreT PaRtiEs,baD reneGades. Cartoon Glitters

I'd like to meet:

Down to earth people.PaSsiOnaTe FriEndS.RaVerS.4:20 friendly and down with the NEWSTEAM,free spirts.AnD anYonE dOwn WiTh ThE LoocHeeDee!A pieAse oF My liFe,jUsT LaSt yEaR 06!


i enjoy happy hardcore,Rye Bread,Hi-C,Crackerjack!Valerie sparks,Nice Guys,Scott Brown,Arize,Tranz-Am,KULAID is my boy!Dav Bu Hau,Eterenty,house,ROB BASE,richard humpty,dj dan,Durty,Bad boy Bill,St. John,techno,dance,electronica,jungle,psytrance,Gwen Stefeni!GWAR!SOAD!rock,punk music(The Parkside). ..


hmmmm...so many great movies! my top are of course ANCHORMAN!Fear and loathing in las vegas,Nacho Libre,Bad Santa,Harlod and Kumar go to white castle,TEAM AMERICA,Supper Troopers,White chicks,Jay and Silent Bob,Grandmas Boy, Adam Sandler,Will Ferrell movies.


CARTOON JUNKIE!!!I liKe To WaTch SimPsons,TLC,diScoVeRy, heAlth chAnnElS(i LOve to LEaRn),MtV2,CartOon NetwoRK(futurerama,family guy,Aqua Teen HunGer Force,Squidbilles,Korgoth,Boondocks,Morel Oral,Venture brothers,Minoriteam,Tom goes to the major,Robot chicken,Family Guy,Wonder Showzen,Oblongs,etc),MXC,Ali G,Durty jobs and so on...


my bf JOE and fellow original news anchor JAY are my heros for life!!!i love them to death!DO YOU FEEL YOUR YA!IF YOU HAVENT BEEN TO LOVE PARADE YOU MISSED OUT!