--.Shekia.-- profile picture


About Me

love me 0R H A T E me im still q0nna shine:).everythinq im not made me wh0 i am t0day.Aqe:10+10-5 d0 the math.Status=SELF explanat0ryy:). Lil mama bad far fr0m c0nceited bytchss!!Unless y0u've lived my life, dnt judqe mUah 'cause y0oh really just dNt kn0w,N E V E R have && E V E R will.every little thinq&&detail about[mUAh].what can i sayy im just different...i reallyy just dnt care rudely t0o say[LMA0]butt if y0u like me 0R nott...its better t0o be [H A T E D] byy manyy then l0ved f0r wh0 y0u're nott;/ s00 hatin h0es y0u're dis[MISSED] FUCK 0FF!!!

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