About Me
Hello hello
Living back in Australia now :)
North Shore, I miss you!
First year at uni. eeek
Lacey = my Geelong lover <3
music, concerts, photography, mario kart, england, cheese pizza, lamp,
rainy days, dwight schrute, vegetarianism, hello kitty, maths, irish accents,
movie/tv marathons, D&M's, australia, 8-bit, city walks with laura, youtubers,
indian tonic water, harry potter, free thinkers, excitable people, hamish blake,
silence, the beach, new zealand, late night IM conversations, lucid dreams
I also have a minor obsession with cardigans.
"Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the
notes and curl my back to loneliness"
1. an inability to sleep; chronic sleeplessness.
I tend to go on Facebook more these days
I also use Dailybooth, Twitter, Blogtv, Flickr & Youtube a lot
Cause I'm that cool.
Add me on any of them if you can find me ;)
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