pretty much anything i want to do, ill do it and it will be intresting. if its fun and exciting im all about it. I LOVE sports. SF GIANTS are my boys. i love outdoor activies( actually only on certain occasions ) shopping is a must. laughing. trying too snowboard. watersking wakeborading jetsking water in general is cool with me. ohh and DRINKING AND PARTYING. working out when i can. sexy boys. GLASSES on boys is so cute! doing random ass things is always one of my favorite things. singing and dancing is a must wherever i go. turing ur sentences into songs. laughing crying being legal in bars and casinos just a few crazy things
Anything i can dance or sing to is cool in my world. country and classic rock are probably my fav!!!
Dazed and Confuesd greatest movie of all time!!! CRYING OR BEING SCARED SHITLESS IN A MOVIE ARE ALSO MY FAVS!!!
LOVELOVELOVE Connan O'Brian. Las Vegas. Freinds. NIP TUCK. Sex and the City. Seinfeld. Family Guy Law and Order SVU. Simpsons. For some lovley reason i love too watch people make fools of themselve so anything reality is cool.
Ones with words!!!
Parental units and grandparents!!!