Photography, physical fitness, a really good glass of wine, and a really good man!
I would like to meet friends.(No Hook Ups!) I am especially interested in meeting a workout buddy. My roomate and I go to the gym together, but don't really work out together. He has a trainer and I work out alone. I find that I make better progress when I work out with someone!
will listen to almost anything once....except rap. I guess I am turning into my father!! Oh god!
I don't really get into movies...the last movie I saw was The Simpsons....pure Oscar material!
I am not ashamed to shout this from the highest hilltop: "I HATE REALITY TV!!" My time has never been controlled by the TV schedule. The only time I make an effort is Sunday's to watch the Simpsons, Family Guy, and American Dad. It amazes me still that these shows are actually on the same network as the psychotic members of Fox News! (yes...I am a liberal too!)
Never watched the show!!