rAizzA profile picture


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About Me

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i am true tO myseLf. i dOn't pLease Others, and neither dO i cOnfOrm. i dO what i want. but dOn't mistake this fOr nOt caring. because i care a LOT... abOut peOpLe and situatiOns that matter tO me and even thOse that dOn't. it's just abOut crap thrOwn at me that i wOn't bOther wasting my time with...

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My Interests

fOOd [fiLipinO, itaLian, japanese]. bOOks. puzzLes [wOrd finds, sudOku, crOsswOrds]. pOker. gadgets. pLaystatiOn. basketbaLL [Lakers, suns, pistOns]. basebaLL [bLue jays]. tennis [rOger federer]. hOckey [mapLe Leafs, penguins]. korean drama series and actOrs [Lee dOng wOOk, kim sung sOO]. bands [sugarfree, cOLdpLay, haLe, dicta License, Oasis]. anime. appareL frOm nike. traveLLing. surfing the net untiL it's aLmOst sunrise.

I'd like to meet:

old friends. new people. anyone.


pinOy rOck. aLternative rOck. r&b. baLLad. cLassics. pOp.


LOrd Of the rings. harry pOtter. spiderman. mighty ducks. 50 first dates. hOw tO LOse a guy in 10 days. verticaL Limit. Love actuaLLy. city Of angeLs. crazy/beautifuL. LOngest yard. eight beLOw. bruce aLmighty. jOhnny engLish. finding nemO. my sassy girL. windstruck. the cLassic. a mOment tO remember.


my girL. CSI miami. eat buLaga. bubbLe gang. nuts entertainment. mirmO de pOn. queer eye fOr the straight guy. sa piLing mO. meteOr garden. summer scent. giLmOre girLs. wwe. sOuth park. radiO free rOscOe. higher grOund. takeshi's castLe. crystaL maze. american justice. cOLd case fiLes. mythbusters.


harry pOtter. abnkkbsnpLakO. guinness wOrLd recOrds. strange stOries amazing facts.


my dear yayay :D