sTrEsSiN tHe iMpoRtaNcE oF PeRsOnaL ReSpOnSiBiLiTy profile picture

sTrEsSiN tHe iMpoRtaNcE oF PeRsOnaL ReSpOnSiBiLiTy

i really hope you just usin' the bitch...if not you really a lil tacky ass bitch...

About Me

& LaSandra

umm....about me i guess i am who i am and it is what it say somethin or do it movin cuz i dont got time...but if you have any questions or comments ya'll know what to do...this is me and who i am...hahaThIs DaMn GIrL iS The LoVe Of My FuCkiN LiFe..My BeSsTesS D SpRaT....We have been through some shit i tell ya...but in the end we both know where home is!!! BeLiEvE DaT!!!!

My Interests

Usher - Superstar

ThiS iS mY LiL SiDe HuStLe YoU KnoW HoW i dO..i'LL hAvE SoME MorE uP SoOn BuT GeT At Me iF yOu TrYiN' To GeT DoNE uP...

I'd like to meet:


Me and Tamika...before pride

Who glasses are those?? And why are you stepping on my foot Tamika!!! haha..after pride!! loaded as fuck!!


HAHA..babe this video was so funny you could even here me laughing in the background...



*MySpAcE SuRvEy*
[name]: L BoL0
[birthdate]: Dec!487
[sex]: BitCh
[relationship status]: MarRieD
[shoe size]: As BiG As My SoCkS
[parents still together]: HeLl 2 Da Naw
[siblings]: 3 of Dem Hoes
[pets]: AgAinSt My ReliGioN
[color]: The RaiNboW
[number]: 7
[time of year]: SuMmAh SumMah SumMaH TiMe
[type of weather]: FrEeZE
[food/drink]: ErRyThAng
--DO YOU--
[twirl your hair]: HeLl NaW
[have any tattoos]: Of My DAdDy NamE
[cheat on tests]: No TeSt 2 TaKe
[like scary movies]: SurE
[like cleaning]: YeA DaT
[know how to drive a standard]: YeaH
[own a cell phone]: MeTrO
[collect anything]: BiTcH PaNnIEs
[been in a fist fight]: SuRe
[considered a life of crime]: RoBBin A NaiL ShOp
[considered being a hooker]: No
[been in love]: 2 ManY TimEs..Sure
[made out with just a friend]: yea DaT
[hurt someone you love]: LoTs
[kicked someone in the nuts]: NoT YeT
[clothing]: pinK ShoRts N orANgE WifE BeaTer
[hair]: ChiCken
[song you are in love with]: UnDer The BridGe
[cd in your stereo]: MiXeD
[mood]: HaPPy As EvEr
[thing you ought to be doing]: Goin 2 TaKe A sHowEr
[first crush]: DeSeaN
[first kiss]: MarQuel
[first love]: WiLL
[do you believe in love at first sight]: No..i Keeps It ReAl
[do you believe in "the one"]: If ThErEs NOt A NuMbEr Tw0
[are you a tease]: Not ReallY
[would you ever commit yourself to someone 100%]: Yea
[honest]: how HonEsT Is HonEst ReaLly???
[sarcastic]: The A MuTha Fuck
[a daydreamer]: No RacQueL Is...
[up tight or laid back]: Laid doWn 2 Da GroUnD
[messy or organized]: BoTh
[shy our outgoing]: Out Of SiGhT
[nervous habits]: BitE De LiP
[are you double jointed]: Are You????
[can you roll your tongue]: No BuT I Can MaKe It PlAy DeaD
[do you make your bed daily]: No
[which shoe goes on first]: WhiCh EvEr Fo0t MaKes It ThEre FirsT
[bought something]: Yeah
[been sick]: Hell YeaH
[sang]: ErRy DaY
[missed someone]: MY MaMas
[gotten drunk]: @ PrIdE HoLLeR
[gotten a haircut]: No HaIr 2 Cut
[watched cartoons]: SuRe
[been kissed]: ErRy DaY
[lied]: SuRe
[you spent the night with]: My GiRl
[spent the night with you]: SaMe
[saw you cry]: LaSaNdRa
[made you cry]: MaLi
[you said "i love you" to]: MaLi
[told you they loved you]: MaLi
[the best feeling in the world]: SeX..
[the worst feeling in the world]: LOnEliNeSs & PapeR CuT
[your greatest fear]: My DaDdy DyiN
[the thing you want most in life]: To TaKe OveR Da WerLd
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

My Blog


1) Where did you begin 2006? haha...hmm...very good night in LaSandra's room.. 2) What was your status by Valentine's Day? aww...well lets think about this i did get over $100 in roses hmm...and our o...
Posted by FaiThFuLLy iN tHe StAnDs CuZ iM yOuR #1 FaN on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 12:31:00 PST


Your Name!LeeannieHow many people have you dated this past year?hmm..maybe 3 How many people have you kissed in your whole life?romantically?....if it werent for the word romantic hmm..i wouldn't know...
Posted by FaiThFuLLy iN tHe StAnDs CuZ iM yOuR #1 FaN on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 04:03:00 PST

Babe this one's for you!!!

Like babe seriously what the fuck are the odds of some shit like that?? i never thought i could ever get along with my own sign...i only know like two other people that actually are sagittarius.  ...
Posted by FaiThFuLLy iN tHe StAnDs CuZ iM yOuR #1 FaN on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 01:41:00 PST

how smart are you?

Your IQ Is 95" height="100" width="100">Your Logical Intelligence is Below AverageYour Verbal Intelligence is ExceptionalYour Mathematical...
Posted by FaiThFuLLy iN tHe StAnDs CuZ iM yOuR #1 FaN on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 01:06:00 PST