I am happily married to a wonderful man. I have been bless with beautiful, healthy children.I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
I love hanging out with my kids they are so much fun
I met Udonis Haslem already, but I would love to bump into him again, Warren Sapp, Charles Stanley, and especially Jesus but not yet :)
I love Anthony Evans, Jimmy Needham, Neyo, Christina Aguillara, Barlow Girl, Jennifer Knapp, Casting Crowns....etc.
My favorite movie hands down is Sweet Home Alabama, but I pretty much love all "chick-flicks", no scarry movies, please!!!!!!!!!
I am a Gilmore Girl freak!!!!, I don't really watch anything else who has time, Oh but I love to watch the Miami Heat play (but not as of lately lol)
I can't read I have A.D.D. (just kidding)
My mommy, I miss her!