Animals of course. Running and reading, sleeping and eating really good food.
B Brainy
R Revolutionary
I Insane
T Talented
T Technological
A Ambitious
N Normal
Y Yum
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Name Acronym Generator
I mostly enjoy alternative but am a fan of almost everything there is. Although classical i could do without. I have new favorites all the time but a few right now are Green Day, Audioslave, Gavin Degraw, and some days a little bit of Kelley Clarkson. I also absolutly love David Gray.
I love movies but hate movie prices. I only go to the movies about three times a year unless it is with my parents to the dollar theaters where i don't pay. Some worthwhile ones are The Sandlot, Independence day and Uncle Buck- all my childhood favorites. I also adore 80's teen romance, breakfast club, say anything, sixteen candles, i just love the 80's damnit.Take the quiz: "What animal are you?"
you are cuddly, cute, and a fun person to be with
I rarley have time for T.V. since all i do is work, school, and sleep. But my absolute love i can never miss is Grey's anatomy. I am a huge fan of the I Love Lucy show, my goal is to collect all the seasons. Then of course i can never neglect my love for comedy- the best sit-coms Friends, Will and Grace and That 70's Show.
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I've read so many good books in my life, but i cant remember most of their names. My favorite childhood books are Socks by Beverly Clearly and Mr. Poppers Penquins. I am a sappy girl and have a weakness for romance novels, i don't really have any favorites but it is my pick of a genre. Memoirs of a Geisha, Me Talk Pretty One Day, Catch 22 are a few picks.
Well that is probably the easiest question for me. My number one hero hands down is my best friend Laura. She has always been there for me no matter the issue and has guided me through some pretty rough times. I probably never would have survived if it were not for her and i want to be just like her when i grow up.