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Myspace Backgrounds ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Welcome to the CA Chapter of G.S.G.We are a group of parents, grandparents and supporters that would like to change certain laws. Please keep in mind we do not offer legal advice, or ask for money. We are here to help, support and pass along useful information that will hopefully help parents and grandparents with their individual situations. Our goal is to have G.S.G. Chapters represented in each state, with links and laws pertainig to each one. Most of us have been affected, in one way or another, by the alienation of our children and/or grandchilren due to the manipulation of the CP's(custodial parent) and the court system. If you believe that children need BOTH parents, the love of their grandparents and would want to uphold existing perjury laws, please sign our petition. A favorite addage of mine is; "It takes a village to raise a child." I also believe you need the basics first, the entire family! You build a house starting with the basement or slab foundaton or there is no stability, it is the same with a child they need a base to grow on. If you agree and would like to help us, Please click on the "Badge" below to get to the petition site!...Thank you!
Please click on the picture below and sign our petition
..See what we can do together, that can not be done alone!