food, Taoism, acupuncture, chinese medicine, capoeira, movies, tai chi, the nature of existence, art, design
Forces of Nature, Archaic Revivalists, sensual intellectuals, this guy:
Led Zeppelin, The Meters, Hem, Run DMC, Vivaldi, Van Halen, Black Sabbath, Ryklon
red sorghum, red violin, krull, zardoz, cabin boy, naked lunch, king of masks, tron, the hills have eyes (the original), tampopo, dark crystal, master killer, star wars, golden child, breakin'
Dance 360, Jerry Springer, The Day The Universe Changed, Starting Over, Dungeon Majesty, BLack Belt Theater, Kung Fu Theater, Eye for an Eye, Dr. Who, Star Trek, Heroes
Dune, The Complete Works of William Shakespear, Bastard Out of Carolina, The Hobbit, Chuang Tzu, The Holographic Universe, Chronicles of Narnia, I Ching, Players Handbook
Spiderman, Gary Gygax, Stan Lee, Benjamin Franklin, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Rocco Sifreidi.