Hosting The Classic Metal Show, Live Concerts, hanging out with the few people I consider "true friends"
Mostly hard rock and metal, but I have been known to enjoy some of the more mellow artists such as Gordon Lightfoot.
The Breakfast Club (most of the movies from the 80's by John Hughes), Clerks (any of the Kevin Smith movies with Jay & Silent Bob) Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas, Fargo, American Graffiti, Hollywood Knights, Decline Of Western Civilization Pt. II The Metal Years, Spinal Tap
Bill O'Reilly, Fox News, History Channel, TLC, Discovery Channel, Court TV, Comedy Central, Cops
Culture Warrior, Who's Looking Out For You, Hammer Of The Gods, Three Dog Nightmare, The Dirt, The Devil Of Shakespeare, Life On Planet Rock
I'm not really into "Hero Worship" per se', however there have been a few people who have made an impact, and influenced my life: My Father, Evel Knievel, Bill O'Reilly, Mike Judge, James Pankow