Born 1980. 1985 Farthers music room was under lock & key, i tried in vain to power up the system so i began taking one by one audio tapes & playing them on my own primitive set. Which lead to my primitive set chewing up the tapes and had me having to hide them around the house. My father would find the tapes and a good beating occurred. lol 1991 The system i couldnt power up, was now handed down to me, which was no longer primitive. which took me through most of my teenage years. Also aquiring a lend of the 7" & 12" by the box load. My friends would pass through & would have a good session, which would end up with my mother throwing out my friends. lol 1993-94 My next door but one neighbour, suffered the noise from my set, and asked me if i would play the sound at a blues, i had to ask permission. With lots of go round and come round permission was granted. He wanted us to b there at 11pm but i was that eager i was there strung up and playing by 7pm. Tearing down the house, then the amp blew up at 11pm lol I had to send a brethren for a amp. Amp came & we were back on track, about 1-2 none had turned up, which i couldnt understand? So i left the blues & went to the pub round corner was there for bout 30 mins. I decided to go back to the blues & and it was road blocked. I went to the door & was challanged by some big man asking me who i was, i told them it was my sound playing inside, they laughed at me. lol I eventually gained access and it was live, couldnt believe it! Police locked it off about 6.30-7.1993-94 My style of music had changed, i began listening to drum & bass. I would sneak out my yard and go quest but athough sneaking out my father (Johno) would always now where i was. Towards the end of 1994 i got my hands on another turntable, i began mixing tunes with 2 turntables and then 3. Entering scratch master competions. Also played sets on Motivate sound at the adventure play ground (dance energy) and also visiting drum & bass sessions up and down the country till about 1998. 1995 In between all that i was working with my father in is security business while i was still at school. we used to ride out in his car, the sound in the car was also way ahead of its time boasting bass mids and tops all seperated. We used to and still do listen to roots music in our cars. I'd ask my father for copies of the dubs and he would laugh take them out the machine lock them in the glove compartment and reply with "your not ready for them yet". For this i am gratefull because i beleive it as enhanced my love for the music. At this point my father was taking a change & going to bashment dances when not working. While my dad was out i would visit the yard & and record as many tunes as i could get my hands on. Including all the vintage roots etc. I found myself following my fathers footsteps after a while, when he joined stereo master. 1999-2001. We clashed with different sounds near and far. I would help string up the sound gaining important knowledge from Pre Amp. Till my father decided to leave them in 2001. We entered several sound clashes but 1 that springs to mind was stereo master v Kebra Negast, although this was a bashment dance Stereo Master forced it into a foundation clash. Which i strongly beleive it was down to my fathers hidden love for roots music which i also supported. The reason for that statement, it was me and my father (Johno) that used to voice the dubs up & down the country. So even though we strayed from the righteous path, it had many benefits. Such as we gained good relationships with foundation artist to name but a few... Max Romeo, Little Roy, Mighty Diamonds, Errol Dunkley, Johnny Clark, Michael Rose, Horace Andy ETC...
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