I love randomly driving around..watching movies..talking on my phone..hanging out with my family..listening to music..napping..laughing..singing..the randomness that comes with life..dancing...tanning..talking..smiling.. making people smile
Anyone who likes to have fun....I love meeting new people they help add some more excitement to my life!
I LOVE MUSIC!!!!!!!!!! Plain White T's, Red Jumpsuit App, QuietDrive, Boys Like Girls, HelloGoodbye, Simple Plan, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Tomorrow's Forgotten, Dropping Daylight, Paramore, The Rocket Summer, Tim Rivard, Matchbook Romance, MayDay Parade, The Almost, Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban, Starlight Run, Hit the Lights, Saving Jane, Good Charlotte, Kelly Clarkson....I pretty much love all bands that have meaningful lyrics and enjoy preforming for their fans!!!
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I love The Notebook and Just Friends...I like funny movies...and scary movies....My all time favorite Disney movie is the Little Mermaid
I loved the OC....I like Grey's...Full House...Boy Meets World
The Glass Castle...1984...Catcher in the Rye...Animal Farm..Jesus Land
My mom because she has taught me that people make mistakes in their life and learn from them and its all about life lessons...she is a great person...and I love her for that...My dad who doesn't need to say anything and I know what he means...My parents have given me the love and support that every child should have and for that I am so grateful....My Grandpa Jim who I only knew for 6 years still continues to teach me life lessons every day....My Grandpa Dick who helped me to develop my creative side through making random crafts....My Grandma Raleigh who is always there for me no matter what and just brings a smile to my face everytime I see her....My Grandma Ingli who although quiet is very insightful....My brother who is one of the strongest people I know and can succeeded at whatever life throws his way...I love him so much! I can always count on my family and don't have to question if they will be there because they always will be...even though some of the greatest people in my family have died they still live on in other ways in which I am grateful to feel and see their presence still alive.....I love my family more than anything in this world!
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