what is there really to say!? I'm really quiet when you first meet me, but most of my friends might tell you, I never shut up! I always have some kind of story to tell thats why tho! Anyway, if you haven't already guessed, yes I am Italian and I LOVE it!! I listen to all kinds of music but I mainly like hip hop and R&B! I like to have FUN! Parytin is always nice, but not all the time! Lately I have been pretty much up and open to just about ANYTHING!! I like to be adventurous! And life is too short not to have fun when your young enough to do it!! I've learned that recently! Well that's about all I could think about right now!! If you REALLY want to know more you can get me up on AIM....GiNa02614 AND NO I DO NOT date people off of myspace so if you IM me then dont expect me to go out with you! Too much crazy shit happens! I will stick to the people that I know!Check me out on my Facebook too!! Holla
I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!