Italian Princess profile picture

Italian Princess

If I could only read your mind I would know how you felt......

About Me what is there really to say!? I'm really quiet when you first meet me, but most of my friends might tell you, I never shut up! I always have some kind of story to tell thats why tho! Anyway, if you haven't already guessed, yes I am Italian and I LOVE it!! I listen to all kinds of music but I mainly like hip hop and R&B! I like to have FUN! Parytin is always nice, but not all the time! Lately I have been pretty much up and open to just about ANYTHING!! I like to be adventurous! And life is too short not to have fun when your young enough to do it!! I've learned that recently! Well that's about all I could think about right now!! If you REALLY want to know more you can get me up on AIM....GiNa02614 AND NO I DO NOT date people off of myspace so if you IM me then dont expect me to go out with you! Too much crazy shit happens! I will stick to the people that I know!Check me out on my Facebook too!! Holla
I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

REAL people! I'm sick of fake and phony ass people!

My Blog

I don't even know......tell me what you think!

Ok so I haven't blogged in while so I figured I would throw something up here for ya to read. So its like 7 in the morning and I'm getting ready to drive back to Pittsburgh from home because I have sc...
Posted by Italian Princess on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 04:29:00 PST


Soo..i can never really seize to amaze myself when it comes to being a DUMBASS or doing the dumbest things EVER!! Last week was probably the worst....on monday AND tuesday...i took this guy home from ...
Posted by Italian Princess on Sun, 05 Mar 2006 09:18:00 PST