Gavin profile picture


I'll never reach my destination, if I never try-gb

About Me

We currently run a mobile auto detailing operation. You can reach us through our website at .

Below is our old Auto Detail Magician shop in Kalihi. You can still visit Auto Detail Magician(run by a friend of mine) in Aiea & Aina Haina, as well as through their website

My bike, now traveling the unending roads of forever in motorcycle heaven.

Here's some pictures of show car hoods I've detailed. We detail all kinds of cars aside from show cars. Designs by Cosmic Airbrush, 521-8833

I'm also a member of the Koko Head Lions Club. Pictured below are some club members reconstructing and repainting benches at Niu Valley Middle School, East Oahu.

My Interests

Fabulous Artwork like that by Ortega, Pozsgay & some of the other artists that are/were on Elfwood.

Tabletop roleplaying games! Yeah, I admit I'm a tabletop RPG junkie and proud of it!

Above is one of my favorite Champions Characters named "Nikki" aka "Stormlight". This picture was made from a composite of photos and pics merged in Photoshop LE.

Other interests include tennis & reading (very little unfortunately). I used to enjoy riding my bike, but I got a friend who needs her more than I do. She's an old '85 Vulcan 750. Ain't she pretty?

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in joining tabletop roleplaying sessions in Champions, RoleMaster, D&D, Aberrant, Exalted or whatever we happen to be into at the time. It's all about that RPG thing. You don't have to be in it, just try it. Hey, you might even like it!


Then: Anything from Billy Joel to Black Sabbath.

Now: Garth Brooks, Toby Keith, Darryl Worley and actually almost anything.


Don't see much but, Lord of the Rings was awesome!

Would probably be fine with almost any comedy, action/adventure, pretty much anything that has at least a semblance of a plot. Then of course, there's always the old martial arts stuff.


UH sports and anime. Yup, that's pretty much it. Except maybe "Heroes". Kinda keeping up with that one. Catch the occasions Mythbusters, & CSI too.


I started with sci-fi and fantasy in elementary school, moved on to self-help and autobiographies after high school, and now...uh what? Books? Yeah, I think I used to love reading but, what happened? Gotta make time for that one of these days.


My friends for running long term RPG campaigns.

Great fantasy artists like Luis Royo, Boris Vallejo, Frank Frazetta, etc.

Great authors (ok, so its been awhile) like Tolkien, Laumer, Burroughs, Piers Anthony, etc.

My partners for having the guts to start the business and keep it running.

Our investors for having faith in us.

Anyone who's willing to lower taxes and keep regulations to a minimum.

My friends in the military cause like the magnet says, "Freedom Isn't Free"

And of course, my parents.

My Blog

Khalid 112006 Something in the Cool Night Air

11/20/06    Something in the Cool Night Air.   I walk past his door&& notice her perfect white skinned, long lined leg stretching from beneath the tousled soft sheets. A Nord...
Posted by Gavin on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 01:35:00 PST

D & J: Exalted 053006

05/30/06 Her skin turns black as ebony, tattoos flare white for an instantthen she is gone.  Pain burns through me. Pain, no, its a blade. She has run me through from behind. I turn slowly &a...
Posted by Gavin on Wed, 31 May 2006 03:12:00 PST

Amar Shanti 052606

05/26/2006 My name is Amar Shanti. I find myself in a dark hole. It is cold & clammy & wet & I know there is something scaly in here. Something scaly with fangs. Its been getting progre...
Posted by Gavin on Sun, 28 May 2006 02:11:00 PST

Zir'an 021406

02/14/06 I'm talking with Shanziel & Tandel at a little Café away from the Hotel. I've learned that Shanziel is a little younger than I am (about 20) & Tandy's a little older (~25).  ...
Posted by Gavin on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 07:20:00 PST

Zir'an: 020206

02/02/06   recap: Month of Faltine, night of Aroy in the year 3014 (11/22/3014)   Nearby, a table filled with Dolonori are celebrating the success of their event & their nep...
Posted by Gavin on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 06:08:00 PST

Exalted: 013106

01/31/06  notes:  need another meeting w/ Man in White Trigar goes with Suto to set appt.He will see you now. Surrounded by 8 guards.Silent Partner 20% of...
Posted by Gavin on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 05:21:00 PST

Zir'an: Navi 011606 .$&^$apostrophes & quotes!

01/19/06 It is the night of Vaan in the month of Faltine of the year 3014. This day is recognized as a Day of Mourning. The Great & Noble Lord Kah left us on this day in the year 1...
Posted by Gavin on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 03:48:00 PST

Beached: notes 01/22/06

01/22/06   We�re stuck in the caverns for about a week. We�re lucky to get rain water that comes down the hole in the roof. Manticore meat gives us enough to survive until we finall...
Posted by Gavin on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 02:43:00 PST

Exalted: a world in peril

01/21/06 Upon returning to my room. I place myself casually leaning against the frame of the door, "Feather, you said you wanted to become a slave. Unless you're willing to act like a slave, you're ...
Posted by Gavin on Thu, 05 Jan 2006 05:15:00 PST