~*B-DALTON*~ profile picture


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath awayâ

About Me

"HeY HoNeY!" My name is BrItTaNy, but most of the people that are close to me call me "DALTS!" ....I am 20 years old and currently attending J-STATE planning on becoming a pharmaceutical rep. I live in good ole JaCkSoN which is pretty boring, but I make it worth while. I am not hard to get along with, extremely easygoing, and I love to have FuN with all of my friends and get it "NuTs!" Spending quality time with my family is a major part of my life and is such a blast, especially with Kayla and Madison my two favorite cousins because they are so crazy.-You know I love you! I LOVE to travel because it is so fascinating to see new places and meet new people. I am not like most people and dream small, but I have BIG dreams and visions of traveling all over the world and being a very wealthy woman in the process. God never intended for us to live in a trillion $ world and live pay check by pay check, instead He wants us to enjoy life and live it up by being millionaires and billionaires and that is what I plan on doing. I am here to fulfill my destiny and purpose to the fullest, that God has planned for me. I enjoy working out, swimming, reading my FAV Joyce Meyers, and I could not live without eating CoOkIeDoUgH 24-7, it is so yummy, and I love sweets! My most intimate relationship right now is with God, because He is the most amazing person in my life that can solve all my problems and when I turn to Him, it always works out to be a true BLESSING! I want to be in God’s PERFECT will in my life and that is the road I am heading down…..and it is about time. A necessity in my life is my bestest friend in the whole wide world, Jamie Lynn Jowers. Who gave birth to my God Son "Joshua Hayden Berkley," who I absolutely love and cannot wait till he gets older so I can spoil him. I am so excited to be his God Mother and to know that I am part of his life is a true blessing from God and knowing that he came from the most beautiful woman in the world. Without Jamie I do not know what I would do because she has been there for me through thick & thin, even at times when I didn't deserve her to be there for me. Another must....would most definitely be my "MOTHER" because she is my HeRo and who I look up to in life and who I love with all of my heart!
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My Interests

I really enjoy working out,running,baking sweets, scrapbooking,taking pictures,swimming,skiing,volleyball, soccer,talking on the phone,cuddling in thunderstorms,eating cookie dough,hanging out with friends/family,reading,traveling and meeting new people across the world, just having a good time and enjoying myself,being in beauty pageants,modeling,shopping,and most of all I love to spend time praying and worshipping God. He is truly amazing because He is there for me when I don't even deserve Him to be.
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I'd like to meet:

I wish that I could be LuCkY enough to meet God! Not only would it be an honor, but just so awesome because he is so amazing. He loves it when you come to Him for the things you need and ask Him to help you become the woman you have always longed to be. Trust Him moment by moment with the concerns of your heart and discover the awesome power that prayer will release in YoUr life. Now how awesome would it be to spend just one day with God....I would love it!!
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Most music I like such as GoSpEl, Pop,R & B,RoCk,TeChNo,OlDiEs BuT GoOdIeS,CoUnTrY,ReGgAe. I love pretty much all types of music except for Jazz because there is just something about it that is just boring to me. If it is up beat then more than likely I will like it!
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CrUeL InTeNTiOnS, NoW & ThEn, ThE NoTeBoOk, 40 DaYs & 40 NiGhTs, PrIme, DeEp BlUe, SpIdErMaN, X-MeN, LiL MaN, HoPe FlOaTs, ReD EyE, BeNcHwArMeRs, StRiPtEaSe, GlAmOuR GiRlS....... I love "ScArY" movies so just about every scary movie that comes out I have to go see. My favorite is "Jeepers Creepers!"

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Lifetime for Women-Of Course, Laguna Beach, The Hills, Maury, Oprah, NEXT, CSI, Spongebob Square Pants
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My favorite book is "To Get To Know Him" by Gloria Copeland. Any of her pieces of writing are really amazing and inspire you to become a better Christian. Another book that I enjoyed was "If You Were GOD Would You Choose You?" This book really makes you think about the way you live in everyday life and how we should be more like GOD! I love reading books like these because they make you realize as Christians that we are truely BLESSED! We have the power in us to bless others with our blessing ( our fruit of the spirit)Multiply, Subdue it, and have Dominion over it! The force of FAITH is at work, underguided by the power of PATIENCE!
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My #1 Hero is God because without Him I would not know my perfect will in life, fufill my destiny, my purpose, and be a blessing to others in my life. My MoThEr would be next because she has raised me to be so independant and value oriented that it has prepared me for the worst case scenerios in life. My NANA is another woman in my life that means the world to me and I absolutely adore. Leisa Harper is the most positve role model thatI look up to and she is the best mentor ever lol.Tara Harper is the sister that I never had and I love her to death even though she is a ball of energy and does not sit down. Last is my Aunt Kyra, I know that I can go to her with any problem if I need advice and she will be there for me! There are many more role models in my life that inspire me to achieve all my goals and more. I look to them for guidance and they all love me for who I am. God and these women are very important to me and mean so much to me in life! It is really nice to know that people like this are so loving and really care about each other.....
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My Blog

Love can be so amazing when have found that right person...

Don't hide love. If you feel it, express it-not to demand that others love you back, but simply to live outwardly the best of what you feel inwardly....
Posted by ~*B-DALTON*~ on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 05:53:00 PST

*When I met Tom, I realized this*

When people aren't living their dreams, it is because of emotions they are not yet willing to feel. Once they are willing, the dream comes true!- And that dream did come true when i met my boyfriend "...
Posted by ~*B-DALTON*~ on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 05:49:00 PST

-Just to let you know-

When you are HAPPY, you create your own financial "stability" by living within your means!
Posted by ~*B-DALTON*~ on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 05:43:00 PST

I have came to a conclusion....

"Once we are aware of who we are, there is no difference between giving and recieving."
Posted by ~*B-DALTON*~ on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 05:40:00 PST

Are you telling me the truth?

It's not enough to wantthe truth.You must know to look for it. Andthe truth is elusive....because it knows whereto hide. ...
Posted by ~*B-DALTON*~ on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 12:37:00 PST

*We don't remeber days, we remeber moments....*

When your in love "The point is to make the other person as happy as we can, because their happiness adds to ours!" Partnership isn't about his and hers, yours and mine, and IOU and you-owe-me. It's a...
Posted by ~*B-DALTON*~ on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 01:39:00 PST