A simple idea with lots of potential. We as a netlabel have only one purpose. To promote artists in the indie electro-vibe that have that special "something" that can attract more listeners. In this market so full with music alternatives and people not willing to pay for what they don't know, the concept of a netlabel becomes very handy. We are getting together artists in similar genres that can network between themselves, present their free music and eventually offer a premium such as merchandise and or music for sale. We make no money out of this. We are just a distributor of their free music and provide a link to their own personal spaces. Soon we'll start making compilations of such artists to promote and give them some extra exposure. Who knows, maybe a future commercial hit will come from one of our friends and you got to listen to them before everybody else when they where providing their music for free. That's our motivation and that's what we are rooting for.
We are currently working with two groups. One is a nomad group called Micro-Escopio. Originally formed in Puerto Rico, with one member being a local, the other an argentinian. Both now living in the states (EU) in different locations, but still taking time to make some good music. Below is their discography available for download free.
Micro-Escopio: Reverb is a natural thing...EP (2007)
Micro-Escopio : Melodias Microescopicas EP (2007)
The other group we are working with is called El Zoológico which is the creation of Rene G. A talented young man also from Puerto Rico with a passion for animals in this project of his. With an idea of releasing multiple EP's during the following two years, each one with emphasis on animals of distinct environments. His first one is called The Aquarium.
El Zoológico - The Aquarium EP (2007)
El Zoológico - The Aquarium/The Jungle Split (2008)