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I am here for Friends

About Me

im mhArjOrie diamzOn,.. .huhuhu..dey cALL me mhArj,mharie,mj or sAi.. im stUdying at nOtre dame of Dadiangas University(hahahay univErsity na juD...) comsci me dati...tpOz ngsHift..BSBA-MT..besT asset kOw daw po anG height kOw w/c is,..uhmmm Actually 5' 7 na at mah age..and ofCorzz mAh beAuty diN " only mharj" accOrdinG to dEm... im aLsO knOwn fOR beiNg friendly,niCe, eAsy & fun tO be witH,dOwn tO earth... maH idea of fun wAs lyinG nsidE maH rOom quietlY drawing,listEning muSic oR reading bookS.. i Was adMireD by a lOt oF pEepzz at the time thOugh i WaS alsO hated by SoMe..huhu bUt i dOnt mind dem...bhala pud moh....mind ur own SeLf.....hehehehe ...i HatE doS insuLting me & maKing mE sO dOwn...i dont liKe boAstfUL peEpZz..snObbeRszz..,trYing tO be sUmbOdy eLse..i liKe doZ trUe.. im juz a simple lady but haS an xtrAOrdinary innEr personality...hehehehe...maybe d reSt...uhmmm its 4 u 2 find out...hahha..heyy mabait akO ha...hehehe true friends & good people r gift from above...u should always give all to the ones who do the same for u...anO daw??

My Interests

khit ano.........

I'd like to meet:

friendly persons.. aDd mE: [email protected] nice...adD nyo akO ha....
M Meek
H Haunting
A Ambitious
R Responsible
J Joyous
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From Go-
mharj is poisonous! Induce vomitting if ingested.

mharj Highway
Bog of Eternal Marriage 5
Study Hall 23
Dumpsville 62
Mt. Happiness 133
Family Farm 313
Please Drive Carefully Username:
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