"I Am Frightened That Some Quick Accident Might Happen," - She Said the Day Before. Nice, France, Sept. 14. - Isadora Duncan, "Founder of Modern Classical Dance". ----------
Affecting, as was her habit, an unusual costume, Miss Duncan was wearing an immense iridescent silk scarf wrapped about her neck and steaming in long folds, part of which was swathed about her body with part trailing behind. After an evening walk along the Promenade des Anglais about 10 o'clock, she entered an open rented car, directing the driver to take her to the hotel, where she was staying.
As she took her seat in the car, neither she nor the driver noticed that one of the loose ends fell out-side of the car and was caught in the rear wheel of the machine.
The automobile was going at full speed when the scarf of strong silk suddenly began winding around the wheel and with terrific force dragged Miss Duncan, around whom it was securely wrapped, bodily over the side of the car, precipitating her with violence against the cobble-stone street. She was dragged for several yards before the driver halted, attracted by her cries in the street.
Medical aid immediately was summoned, but it was stated that she had been strangled and killed instantly. --- Copyright (c) The New York Times
Originally published September 15th, 1927.
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