A.R.G.U.S. 2010 profile picture

A.R.G.U.S. 2010

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

As the self-proclaimed overlord of his own imaginary empire, Johnny Wells has been known to be an amiable ruler. born in a time long forgotten, he's often amused by the inhabitants of the 21st century. Over the ages, he has spread prosperity throughout the land by his involvement in the Rock N Roll Hierarchy of OVERHEAD, LE CHARM CONSPIRACIE, FANTASIE, THE SUNSHINE ARTILLERY, SYD ZED and currently FOFIS.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Besides being somewhat of an esoteric narcissist, I do enjoy eye and eargasms,while exploring the unknown for shits and giggles. I also like to circuit bend my manhood while astral projecting my cosmic spew

I'd like to meet:



I have always contemplated the subjective nature of art and can only come to the conclusion that to formulate a particular interest in one form of music and to suggest that one sound is superior to another is a futile exercise which is in bondage to the limited perception of one individual;Totally moot, so to speak! Ask yourself how many times in one lifetime have you lost interest in a particular band or sound? I can only theorize that some music has had more of an impact on me than others. Some music has retained significance and endured the test of time. This music that has the capacity to have such personal importance is the music that I passionately have had a tendency to gravitate towards and the music that I continuously try to seek out. So to give you an Idea of the type of music I am talking about, check out this video.


Head flicks, art flicks, 60's & 70's European softcore, horror, fantasy, documentary, classic, sci fi, drama, action, garage sale mystery flicks, yadda yadda!


Great band. I get 3 channels.


The latest book that I enjoyed reading was RANT by chuck Palahniuk.


The Greatest American Hero.