O My son, be wise, and lend an ear unto Me when I give you instruction,
For the wisdom of the Lord is enduring, His words instruct the generations.
Therefore, it is good that you would heed these words which I have given you, and keep them close - as an armor vest upon your heart,
That your seed might be an eternal blessing unto the nations, and multiply in the land of your creation;
5. Which I shall give into your hands.
6. As the sun gives light unto the portions of the earth which turn unto it,
7. So shall I give unto you that to which you turn your hearts.SELAH
jah people from every nation and tongue
music is the most effective way to mobilize the masses
what you listen to reflects who you are
when you change the pattern of your thoughts you change the pattern of your actions
Dont get deceived by propaganda in the ads on TV /
Dem play into wish fulfillment in the films we go see /
Politicians have their hands innit / the whole a dem nah clean /
But inna court they get acquitted / Babylon set them free...
Itations of Jamaica And I Rastafari, The Glorious Qur'an, The Tanakh, The Gospels, Autobiography of Malcolm X, The Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Marcus Garvey: Life and Lessons, Philosophy of Spinoza, History of God, Pali Canon, The Adi Granth, Tao of Physics, Sacred Architecture, Up From Slavery, Gnostic Bible, Before the Mayflower, Art of War by Sun Tzu, Catch A Fire, Words of the Buddha, Gospel of Thomas, A Manual of Hadith, Alternative Realities, Edgar Cayce: Modern Prophet, Spirituality and Liberation, The Wanderer by Khalil Gibran, Audacity of Hope