{desi*baby} profile picture


sTaRs aNd SkuLLhEaDs

About Me

cOLLeGe sOphOmOre. DePenDeNtLy iNdEpEnTeNt(if that makessense). LoVe LiFe, trying tO eNjoY iT siNce sO maNy wOntbE aBLe tO. NEvER BEEN A HATER...DONT KNOW HOW IT FEELS!!!very nice person. very good FRIEND. very MOODY. Like tO beaLoNe, but aT tHe sAme Time i dOnt. HaTE dRama aNd mEssypEopLe wHo sUrrOund tHemSeLvEs WitH drAma...!!! (if yOUhaVE a prObLem, LET IT GO!!! ur sOO high school. )keep tothe same people. dOnt liKe tO meet nEw pEopLe, bUt iF iLet yOu iN, yOu must Be sOMeone sPeciaL...

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet Lil' Wayne (HUSBAND + THA LOVE OF MY LIFE). PLies Baby, Kanye West,Bey0nce,Oprah and Dr. Phil..LOL


Rap, R&B, Pop, and Rock messy marv, lil wayne, keyshia cole,Beyonce khia, Mac Dre, PLies,Trina, Brandy, B. Spears, C. Brown


Dreamgirls, Love and Basketball, Five Heartbeats, Something New, Sister Act 2


I Love New York, DR. Phil, the GAME (cuz i have way too much), and all court shows


ANy black author and my poly sci textbook


my mOther, big sister kemba, oprah and judge judy... cant forget my H8rs...you motivated me to become a better person

My Blog

TrUe gRaPeS

ON SaTuRdAy, i WaS iN RiChMoNd sMoKiN aNd tAcKiN OuT WiTh mY NiGgAs In dA RiCh. MaN. wE wAs dOiN It rEaL BiG. a LItTlE TwO BiG BcUz i wAs FuCkEd uP. i fElT LiKe cHrIs tUcKeR On fRiDaY. i wAs hElLa pAr...
Posted by *desiree* on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 02:23:00 PST