Member Since: 05/12/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:
Harry Rattelman is possibly the most talented bass guitarist and singer performing in the Southland area. Harry's smokin'-hot bass style, energy and vocals are another highlight of The Heat Band. Harry's quick humor and enthusiasm are also unmatched when performing. Harry is an expressive and talented musician with few peers.
Michael Denhertog ("MD") is truly one of the greats on his drum kit and percussion work. MD lays down the most unstoppable and rock-solid grooves in the industry. Never wavering and always dead-on, MD drives The Heat Band's rhythms with authority and keeps the band locked-in, forming the band's foundation and providing power and energy at every performance.
Brian Waterbury completes The Heat Band's very talented line-up with his powerful and artful guitar work. Brian strives to play in an accurate and toneful style and always plays on the edge. From heavy rhythms and funky licks, to the best rock chops around, Brian handles all his guitar duties with talent and style.
Photo Cube
The Heat's influences range from rootsy-blues, to country rock, ballad-rock, dance music to hard rock. Some of the band's influences are:
Bad Company, AC/DC, Brian Adams, ZZ Top, The Eagles, Sublime, The Rolling Stones, Cheap Trick, Lynerd Skynerd, The Clash, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zepplin and many more....
Sounds Like: The Heat sounds like a combination of many of our influences. We are not a one dimensional-sounding band.
Record Label: Unsigned